dont try to get away

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CW- strong language, torture, blades, blood.

[i'm finally out of karate let's goo😫]

a hand covered Quackity's cheek in force, leaving a painful, throbbing red mark.

this woke Quackity up from his long sleep. "hm..?"

the ram was standing in front of him in vengeance.

Quackity tried to move but his body got pushed down with his fear, he couldn't move.

pain flowed through Quackity's body, he couldn't even talk.

Schlatt took out a long blade. "tell me why i shouldn't just kill you right now?"

Quackity shivered, forcing his eyes closed and letting out little cries.

"hm. you haven't answered, ducky." Schlatt laughs, walking to Quackity and running the blade across his neck, then up to his cheek, slitting open his old scar a bit.

Quackity winced, kicking his leg slightly.

blood fell down his face as Schlatt forced the blade into his face more, nearly reopening the scar that lives on his eye.

even though Quackity screamed as loud as he could, Schlatt wouldn't stop.

Quackity's tears forced them self down Quackity's cheek.

the air is cold, like they're somewhere far away.
far way.

but Quackity's screams could be heard from millions of miles away.

the room is eerie, the walls seem to be perpetual darkness.

they're all alone, alone together.

Quackity kicks his legs, begging for freedom.

"don't try to get away, birdie. you're with me now." Schlatt smiles, wiping the never ending blood line from his neck.

he then stands up, slowly kicking Quackity's shins and squeezing the blade that's in his hand, running it up Quackity's leg, slicing it slowly.

he cries and winces, Quackity's hands are tied behind his back, his hair standing up like it wants a good view on what's going on.

Schlatt continues to do this, stomping on Quackity's ankles.

"i want my revenge. i know you set me on fire, feathers." Schlatt whispers in a heart stopping tone.

Quackity's cries soon got louder, irritating Schlatt.

Schlatt soon back handed Quackity, grunting and demanding him to stop crying, then grabbing his hair, hitting it against Schlatt's kneecap.

cold air came out of the ventilation system, it was Friday. what a cold, gloomy day.

when Schlatt was turning around, Quackity kicked the back of his legs- he fell to the floor.

this gave Quackity a chance to shakily get up, trying to run away.

Schlatt quickly got up, chasing Quackity.

he was struck down, head hitting the floor. doom awaited Quackity.

Quackity has been a victim to a deadly kind of love, it's time that he realises, that is fate is death, there's no turning back.

a man deeply scarred, Quackity's deep, beating broken heart- his washed out sorrowed dream, he has no place to be but in Wilbur's loving hold.

little duckling, little lover.
little life,
sad ending.

this is so short but sorry

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