Chapter 66

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Uraraka's eyes wondered over to Midoriya, watching the boy awkwardly laugh with his mentor's unfortunate choice of words. It had been a long while since the last time she had seen him being this happy. Maybe, that time had been before he died. She couldn't remember. Not that it really mattered. She was just glad that the boy was opening up again, slowly but surely finding his old self and getting over his insecurity.

She hadn't noticed up until now that the other heroes could see him. Due to her confusion from waking up somewhere else and her cut off hand, she hadn't had the time to contemplate the fact. Seeing as he now appeared to be fine and there hadn't been any sign of him having experienced a mental breakdown, she guessed that Izuku must have been too focused on his goal of securing her safety to care. Mr Aizawa's presence must have played an important part too.

She lightly squeezed his hand, earning his attention. The smile that was still on his lips made hers form into one themselves. "So, you told them after all". The four heroes quieted down to listen to the two students. Izuku looked at her perplexed for a moment before nodding. "I had to. You needed to get treated and... I believe it's actually better that way". His eyes traveled to his side, looking at their teachers.

All Might smiled at his successor when he saw him glancing at him. Seeing that, Uraraka nodded. "Yes, I think it is better that way". Nezu nodded and clapped his hands getting everyone to focus their attention to him. "It's really good to hear that you haven't regretted your decision Midoriya. Though All Might here was saying something pretty interesting! That was before his realization got in the way of course!".

The creature chuckled slightly as the retired hero turned to look away in shame, awkwardly scratching the back of his head. Aizawa shook his head disapprovingly and sighed. "Y-yeah principal Nezu! As I said, David Shield would be coming here to take a look at young Uraraka's condition himself. He believes he can make something for her, though the downside is that it would probably take some time".

Izuku looked at him sadly. "It's expected if we think about it actually. Re-creating an affect of a Quirk must be really complicated to do. Each quirk has its own unique conditions under which it can be used by its wielder. Finding all of them for every type of power that is out there is going to take a lot of research and be very time consuming. And even then, they will have to figure out a way to mimic the creation progress of such conditions. That, for only one person to do, as talended as they may be, is going to take a while".

All Might stared dumpstrack at his successor, while the rest of the teachers sweat dropped. Uraraka waved her hand in front of Izuku, snapping him out of his muttering state. Meanwhile, the principal's grin widened, sending chills down everyone's spine. "That's a very good observation Midoriya. I have to say I'm quite impressed with your analysis skills! I would really like to talk with you one day about that! About what you said though, I believe we can actually find a way to speed up the process, even by a little bit. I will come in contact with our support course students. I'm sure they will jump at the chance of helping make something so complex. Furthermore, it would be valuable experience for them to work with such a scientist as Mr Shields himself!".

Recovery Girl started trembling the moment the creature mention that he wanted to talk with the student. Eraserhead shook his head, a scowl hidden under his scarf. There was no way he was allowing his student to spent even five minutes with the principal. He feared for the fate of the world if a second Nezu was created. And the excitement on the eyes of the boy didn't make him feel any better about it.

Uraraka looked at the principal in awe as he stood in front of her bed, hands behind his back. Disbelief could be clearly seen in her face after having heard him talk. "You are willing to do all this to help me sir?". Nezu nodded cheerfully.

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