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[ Josh ]

-August 21st- 

I scroll on Twitter, Instagram and occasionally I look up at the TV. Nothing's on at ten in the morning. I get up and walk into the kitchen to find something to eat. I open the fridge and look around. I have nothing. Well, nothing that sounds good. I'll just go get something from the store. I don't really like day's like this. I like touring with Tyler, playing shows, meeting fans. It's nice to be home for a few day's and rest; but then I'm eager to get back out and play. I get leisurely dressed. I get in my car and start it up.

Before I back up, I see someone walking on the sidewalk across the street. I look a couple feet behind them and there are two guys walking fast to catch up. They catch up and spin the person around. It's a girl with blond hair, so blond it looks white. Maybe it is white, and she dyes it white. The other guy pushes her, she falls on the ground. I watch in shock. She's not fighting back. I get out of my car and I hear what they're saying.

"Paisley! Come on. Fight back! FIGHT BACK! "

"Dude she can't, she's a f***ing p***y! She can't do sh*t! She's 'not a fighter.' " He mocks. My eyes get big. I can't believe what they're saying to her.

"Why don't you do anything? I'll stop, you just hit me back. I deserve it." They both stop and watch her, and wait. She isn't doing anything. One guy pulls his foot back and kicks her. She goes flying on to her back. I can see she's gasping for air. I gasp too. I can only imagine the pain and fear she's going through. She's still gasping and looks panicked. They knocked the wind out of her. "YOU DIDN'T FIGHT BACK! Paisley, you wimp. No wonder Parker beat your ass up." They all go quiet.

"HEY!! Why don't you guys just leave her alone?! She obviously doesn't want anything to do with ether of you, so just go!" I but in, unable to see them hurrahs her anymore. I feel my posture get taller, my chest puff out, and I breath faster. I'm getting more and more angry every second.

"Fine! But, if you need some extra cash S**t, hit me up. wh**e!" They both spit on her and walk away. She lays on the ground motionless. They both walk away from her, laughing. She sits up, and crawls over to a tree and sits agents it. I run across the street to her.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked. She doesn't look up. Now that I'm close I can see she's shaking like she's cold; but it's not very cold outside. It's August. She's scared. I sit down next to her. "They're just rude pathetic guys... Did they hurt you? I can take you to a hospital or something." I say. I hear her almost start hyper ventilating. She stops after a second and shakes her head. "Look, Paisley. Is that your name?" I asked; she nods. I heard those guys say her name. "It's no problem. If you're really hurt, I can drive you home or to a hospital. It'd make me feel a lot better." I push. She looks up at me. Her eyes get big, but then she looks away from me and they go back to normal.

"I'd rather not go home right now, and I didn't get hurt to bad. It'll just bruise. I'm okay. Thank you. " She finally says extremely quiet.

"Alright. At least let me help you up." I say. She nods. I stick out my hands and she holds onto them and pulls herself up.

"Ow. Ah! Ehhhh." She whispers under her breath. When she's up, she grabs her hip where the guy kicked her. "You don't look okay. Let's get some ice on that." She nods and slowly follows me back, limping. "You can sit on the couch over there. I'm gonna go get you some ice." I go get her ice, and when I come back and she's sitting on the couch holding her hip still. I give her the ice, then sit down in a chair across from the couch.

"So, who were they? If you don't mind me asking." I asked. I watch her put the ice on her hip. She flinches, then relaxes.

"Guys from high school." She reply's not giving much detail. She's more in pain and shaken up then trying to mysterious.

"Don't take what they said personally. They're just jerks. Are you sure you're okay? It looked like they hurt you more then just a bruise."

"I'm fine, really." She reply's sounding sincere. She nods. I nod too. It gets quiet. I can tell she wants to say something.

"Can I use your bathroom?" She asked quickly. I nod.

"Yeah. Down that hall. Second door on the left." I say. She gets up and walks slowly down the hall.

[ Paisley ]

I'M IN JOSH DUN'S HOUSE! I'M IN JOSH'S BATHROOM! I don't even have to pee. I just needed to get out of there and calm down. I was about to have a panic attack. I pace back and forth, even though it hurts. Normally when I get anxious or sad; I listen to music more specifically Twenty One Pilots, Fall Out Boy, Tonight Alive, bands like that. But this time MUSIC IS MAKING ME ANXIOUS! I don't know what to do. I'm living every Twenty One Pilots fans dream right now and I'm to busy worrying to have a conversation with the man. My heart is racing and has been since I heard him speak outside. That's why I didn't look up, I was to scared. I knew it was him. If I stay in here much longer, he'll wonder what's taking so long. I walk out of the bathroom and back to Josh. He looks over at me, then stands up. I awkwardly stop walking and just watch him not knowing what to do.

"I should probably drive you home soon." He says. I nod. We walk out to his car. I sit next to him in the passenger seat. I tell him where to go. At first I'm lost, then I realize my house was super close to his. Only about a fifteen minute drive. Seems long, but it really isn't.

"This is it..." I trail off, pointing to my house. He pulls over. I get self conscious about how bad it looked. I never really realized how bad it was until I feel someone else judging it. Some of the paint on the outside is dull, my front steps have moss on them. I start to open the car door.

"Are you kidding?" He asked. I shake my head. He's hesitant, but gets out and walks me up to the front door. My front door is old and I haven't had the time (or money) to fix it. I put my house key in the rusty lock, turn it to the left, Push the handle hard, hit the door three times, twist the handle back to the right and then to the left again and kick the door in as I push in. I've found that doing that routine is the best way to open the locked door. My house isn't the nicest, Or prettiest, or the most functional. But hey, it's home. "There is no way I'm letting you stay here." He says. I look at him confused.

"What?" I question.

"I'm sorry, but this place is crap." He says laughing a bit. He walks outside and scratches the paint outside. He comes back in with a huge piece of chipped, dull, moldy paint. He holds it up. I nod and shrug. " It's falling apart. It's not safe, and you're hurt. You're coming back with me."

"I can't, though..." I trail off.

"Why not?" He asked confused. He tosses the paint chip on the ground. The sound of dripping water coming from my leaking roof and falling into a bucket fills the silence.

"I'd... I'd feel bad. Look, I don't want to burden you. I know you have a life, I don't want to ruin it for you. We barley know each other. I'd rather not. I'm sorry. You really don't need to do that for me. I'm fine. I can handle myself." I say.

"What's that?" He asked.

"What's what?" I ask back, acting like I don't know.

"That dripping sound. It was raining half and hour ago, but not now."

"That's uh... that's, my broken roof leaking into a bucket."

"Paisley." He says disappointed. He pauses. "Pack your things, cause I can't let you stay here." He says. I nod and go pack all my stuff as fast as I can. Man! Can't he just pay for a hotel for me or something?!?

I Can't Help Falling In Love With You- Josh Dun LSWhere stories live. Discover now