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[ Paisley ] 

I tie my shoes tight and tie my hair back. I put in my ear buds to drowned out the world. I start my jog by jogging to a trail I found a couple days ago. I start to slow down and look at whats around me before I get to far away. I feel a tap on my shoulder, so I turn around. 

"Hi, Paisley. Can I run with you?" Josh asked half smiling. 

"No. I'm sorry, Josh. I have a boyfriend now. We're done, Okay. Let us go." I reply starting to put my ear bud back in. But he blocks my hand from getting to close to my ear. 

"At least talk to me. I mean come on. You left me in the dark here. I don't know what I did. I want to know so I can change if it's that bad." 

"You didn't do anything. It's all my fault. Look you should go. Parker's probably still around here somewhere and will get pissed if we talk for to long." 

"What?" He questioned with a concerned look on his face. I run away down the trail. I see a shadow behind me and see Josh is following close behind me. "Tell me what's up and I'll leave you alone." I stop dead in my tracks. I look around and see I'm far enough away that Parker wont see; but I can't bring myself to say any words to him. I have nothing to say, I don't know how. "Are you okay?" He asked. I burst into tears. He pulls me into a hug. "I still love you, Paisley." 

"I'm a monster, Josh. I'm a horrible person!" I wipe my tears away and pull away from Josh. I sit on a tree stump. I heard some people cutting it down in the middle of the night two days ago. Josh sit's on the ground next to the tree stump. He rubs my back. 

"Please tell me." He begs. He sounds like he's on the verge of tears. 

"If it will get you to leave me alone, and I know it will, I'll tell you. But please don't hate me."  I don't look at him. He keeps rubbing my back. His head leans against my thigh. I start explaining who Parker is, how I know him, what he did, and how I got rid of him. I explained how I hate drinking. How Parker made me drink one other time and that's when I quite it all together. How I was walking around the night after Josh left and how I ran into him again after seeing him at my old house, how he forced me to and I was so scared of him I did it. How I don't remember anything but waking up naked and hung over at his house. And after that I just kept apologizing. Nobody talked. Nobody said a thing. I look around for a second, then I looked back at my hands. I still felt Josh rubbing my back. He never stopped. He never took his hand off of me. "You're mad. I'm sorry. I really am." 

"Why are you with him? I mean he cheated on you, hit you, pushed you to do things you really didn't want to do, and treated you like trash instead of a princess. " 

"I didn't want to cheat on you, and I didn't want to have a one night stand, so we're back together. He's a manipulator. He convinced me that he was better then you. He told me you hate me and that he's changed. " 

"I'm angry." He pauses. "Not at you. At him. He made us lose almost three months. Paisley please brake up with the guy. I'm not made at you. You deserve so much better. Even if it's not me, someone, anyone better then him. I want to kill him for everything he did to you."

"I'm terrified of him. Do you know what he can do? What's he's done to me already?" 

"I wont let anything happen to you. Okay, Tyler wont let anything happen to you. Jenna wont ether. Okay?" I nod.

"Can you come back to the apartment with me? I don't want to be alone." Josh nods, helps me up, and we walk back to the apartment together. 

I Can't Help Falling In Love With You- Josh Dun LSDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora