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[ Paisley ] 

I sit up in bed and wait for a reply from Parker. Josh spent the night, but he's sleeping on the couch. Technically, I'm still with Parker so it would make me feel better to not sleep next to Josh while Parker and I are still together. Stupid, but it's all about peace of mind. I think Josh is still asleep. I stare at the three dots showing that Parker's still typing. I get a nervous feeling in my stomach. I hate it. 

'Sure babe. See you in 10.' ~Parker 

He's coming over. I'm going to brake up with him today. I get up and check on Josh. He's still asleep, warped in a blanket on the couch. He looks so cute sleeping. I put my hand on his shoulder and shake in gently. His eyes flutter open. 

"Parker's coming over in a bit. I'm going to brake up with him. Can you stay a little longer?" I asked. He nods sitting up and pulling me into a hug. 

"Just do it fast, don't even let him inside. I'll have my phone ready in case-" 

"Let's just hope for the best and not think about that." I interrupt. "I'll go get ready."  I go back and put on something. I don't even know what, I'm to nervous. I hear the door bell ring I run out to Josh, my eyes so wide I think they might explode. I'm shaking and I can't stop. He gets up and hugs me. He whispers something but I only get one bit of it. 

"...okay. You can... you're strong, Paisley." I nod and go to the door. He sits on the couch and watches... just in case. I open the door and smile a little so Parker thinks I'm okay. 

"Hey babe. So I was thinking today, we could do a little-" 

"Wait!" I surprise myself at how loud I get. 

"What?" Parker chuckles. 

"I'm braking up with you." I whisper. He looks shocked. He goes to say something but I stop him by screaming. "I'M BRAKING UP WITH YOU, PARKER!" 

"Why? I thought it was just like old times? Just like high school! Come on Paisley." He laughs. His laughter dies as he thinks. I stand as tall as I can, but it's hard. His face gets angry. "Wait. Did you talk to that other guy? They guy you cheated on? The one who never says I love you. The one who doesn't even care about you?" 

"Shut the hell up, I will slap the shit out of your big egotistical head." 

"So you are. Oh... so he doesn't hate your guts like any real guy should if she cheated on him... huh. " 

"Look. None of this matters. The point is I'm done with your shit. If you ever show your face around me or Josh again I will throw your ass in jail and get a retraining order." I go to close the door, but he hold it open. 

"We are not done here. You can't do that!" 

"Get the fuck out of my life." I start tearing up. "Josh..." I squeak out. He rushes over and pulls me away from the door. He slams it, locks it and puts the dining room table in front of it. He closes all of the blinds and runs over to me. 

"You did it. He's gone." I can't stop crying. I try to stop as best as I can. I hate crying, I really do. I wrap my arms around Josh and hug him tight. I don't let go for the longest time. 

"So you don't hate me?" 

"No. God no Paisley. I love you." 

"I love you too." I let go and look at him. 

I Can't Help Falling In Love With You- Josh Dun LSWhere stories live. Discover now