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[ Josh ] 

I wake up and feel weight on my right arm and something holding up my left. I open my eyes and see I'm warped around Paisley. I get a big stupid grin on my face. I love her so much. She looks so cute when she's asleep. I look at the clock slowly. We slept in till noon. I kiss her head and slid myself out from her. I stand up and get my phone that was charging in the living room. I text Tyler. 

'We're back together.' ~Josh

'Really? That's amazing, Josh! What happened? Are you two like, a okay again or... what?' ~Tyler

'It's complicated. I'll ask Paisley if I can tell you, and I'll see you tomorrow anyways. So I'll tell you then.' ~Josh

'Okay, tell her hi from jenna and I.' ~Tyler

'Will do.' ~Josh

I go into the kitchen and get out the bread to make some toast. I put two pieces of bread in the toaster and set the time. I hear Paisley come out of her room. 

"How do you like your toast?" I call out to her as she walks into the bathroom. 

"Golden brown with peanut butter." She calls back walking into the bathroom and closing the door. I make both of our toasts. Butter for me, peanut butter for her. I put them on to plates and put it on the table. She comes out of the bathroom and sits with me at the table. We eat out toast silent, still tired. 

"Hey, so I'm seeing Tyler tomorrow for some band things. He asked about us this morning. I was just wondering if it would be okay if we tell him what happened." I asked cautiously. She stops eating to think. I bit my lip waiting for her answer. 

"Okay. But... just don't go to much into detail about what he did to me, before. I mean if he asks, go ahead. I know you guys tell each other everything, but don't just start going into detail on... that." 

"Of course, Paisley. Thanks for letting me tell him." 

"He's bound to find out sooner or later." She shrugs it off. I smile and laugh. I shoot up out of my seat and pick her up, throw her over my shoulder. "JOSH! YOU BUTT! PUT ME DOWN!" Paisley screams through her laughter. I run over to the couch and throw myself on it, bringing her down with me. She falls on top of me, still laughing. I can't help but smile at her beautiful laughter. "You asshole." She laughs kissing me. 

"Love you too." I pause and look at her. No, I stair at her. Her blue eyes. Her white/silver hair. Everything is beautiful. I kiss her again, pulling her closer to me. She pulls away and smiles at me. She pushes me off of the couch and I come crashing to the ground. "Hey!" 

"You had the coming, dude." I laugh getting back on the couch. There's a knock at the door. I look at Paisley asking if she was expecting anyone. 

"Probably crazy lady in 105, she hates any type of noise and I live right above her. It's cool, I'll just go tell her off again." I laugh as she goes to get the door. I turn on the TV to animal planet and see nothing but cats. My kind of show. I look over at Paisley and she she's hidden behind the door a little talking in a hushed voice. I turn the TV way down to hear what she's saying. "Please, just go. I want to give you a chance and I really don't want to call the cops on you again. Just leave me alone and we can each go our separate ways." 

"No. I can't let that happen. I just can't." I get up and walk over to the door. I stand behind Paisley and put my arm around her waist. I hear her gasp a little, I guess mad or shocked that I came over. 

"Paisley, is there a problem?" I ask staring directly at Parker. I give him a death stair. My eyes locked on his. I feel my shoulders creep back to make me look bigger.

"Tough guy trying to save her? Let her handle herself. Who do you choose? Me or him?" He asked braking at paisley. 

"Parker!" Paisley scolded. Just looking at the guy makes me want to kill him, or at least put him in a coma. Paisley doesn't want me to do anything, not even call the cops on the guy. She's said it a few times: She wants to give him a chance to get back on the right path. With what he's done to her, Rape, drugged, physically abused, and played mind games. There's no way the guy is half way sane enough to deserve a second chance. 

"Tell me and I'll leave." He demands getting to close to Paisley. I pull us both back inside a little, away from him. I keep my arm around Paisley for protection.

"Josh." She whispers. I squeeze her waist like a hug, trying to comfort her. Parker looks confused and angry. "I said Josh. I love Josh, does this really matter? You're being a child. Grow up, Parker!" She gets angry. 

"You chooses him? He pathetic. He only wants you for the sex, bitch." Parker pokes Paisley and I get angry. We've never actually had sex. I don't push it, and Paisley hasn't brought it up. I let go of Paisley and push her back behind me and step towards Parker. 

"JOSH!" Paisley scolds me. "Go call the cops." She whispers in my ear. "I'm fine, I really am, don't worry about me. I can handle him. He's going to do something, I don't know what, but you're one and only job is to call the cops. Now is not the time to try and be the hero, Okay?" She asked shaky and smiling weakly. I start tearing up. She's being so brave. She knows he could hurt her and she wants to handle him on her own. I tense up. 

"I can't. You're saying if her hits you, to let him?" I questioned. She nods and pushes me deeper into the house. I hear Them get into a fight. Full on brawl. They both raise there voices, but no hitting... yet. I dial 911 as fast as I can. 

I Can't Help Falling In Love With You- Josh Dun LSWhere stories live. Discover now