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  [ Josh ]

Paisley sits on my lap in the green room. I start bouncing my knees up and down. She turns around and looks at me giggling. I quickly kiss her.

"You're at great butt massager." She laughs. I shake my head and start swaying my legs. She almost falls. off. "You suck." She laughs trying desperately to stay on my legs. "Fine." She stands up and sits down next to me.

"You two are the annoyingly adorable couple." Tyler says painting his neck in the mirror. Paisley laughs.

"So are you and Jenna, she's just not here right now. Speaking of not being here, I should go get my spot." Paisley stands up, bends down and kisses me. "Have a great show!" She calls walking out the door. The door slams shut and I start falling over on the couch. I lay on my side and make painful sounds, like crying, or dying. Something like that. Tyler turns around to look at me. He starts laughing.

"Tonight's her last night. What are you thinking?" Tyler questions. I stand up and head over to the mirror. I start putting the red on my eyes.

"I have no clue. What do you think I should do?"

"To me, it seems like you're going to be upset the rest of the tour if you don't, but then again how are you going to do it today with in the next few hours?" Tyler asked. I shrug. "Stage is always an opti-"

"No it's not. And you know that. Plus, she'd hate it." Tyler nods.

"We'll you know everyone loves here. When people first found out, they got a freaking hashtag trending. Then they started finding out all this stuff about her and posting it every where."

"I guess..." I pause, what can I do, before she leaves me for another month. "Wait... I think I know." I get excited.

[ Paisley ]

"Can you give Tyler and Josh these?" A 15 year old girl asked. Her bright orange and pink hair look amazing under the dark almost black lights.

"Yeah, I'll make sure they get them." I smile. She hugs me again, then walks away. I sit back in my seat and take out the 18 other drawings, letters, paints, and pictures other people give me to give to the boys. I stack them all, clip them all together then put them back in my bag. The lights go down and the boys come out on stage. Again starting with HeavyDirtySoul. After a week of seeing the same show every single night, I'm a little used to it and not very into it anymore. It's a different crowed every night, the boys have just as much fun as the first show, but watching it for the 8th time isn't too much fun. But, the two things keeping me interested: tonight is the best night of some fans life. And, Josh and Tyler having the time of their life up on stage.

"Are you avoiding the crowd too?" A woman asked me. "May I sit? Not much space anywhere else." I nod and point to the seat next to me. She sits down with me and smiles, thanking me. "I'm here with my niece, she's probably the biggest Twenty One Pilots fan ever."

"Really?" I ask laughing.

"Yeah, this is her first concert, too. It's been a little rough for her lately, so I thought seeing them live might, I don't know. Make her realize everything going to be okay. I'm not a huge fan of their music, but It's pretty up lifting and Stacy loves it. So..." She shrugs.

"If you don't mind me asking, why have things been so rough?"

"Uh, well. Stacy's older brother just... committed suicide a few months back. she hasn't eaten much, or spoken since his passing. Maybe, this concert could help her. I know Twenty One Pilots are all about that type of thing. It's been hard on everyone. Her mom couldn't take her because she's too depressed. I'm sorry to drop this all on you." She struggles to keep it together. I can't help but want to smile, because I can help.

"No, it's okay. Actually I think I can help." Her eyes perk up. "I'm the drummer, Josh Dun's, girlfriend." She starts tearing up. She covers her mouth and gasps. "If you can find your niece after the show, I could have the guys come out and talk to her."

"That would be amazing. She was excited to just come to the show, but meet them? That would make her so happy."   

I Can't Help Falling In Love With You- Josh Dun LSHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin