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[ Paisley ] 

I race out of the bathroom after doing my make up. I walk back into my room and sit on my bed. I don't want to leave my room. My room is a comfort zone, I want to stay in here as long as possible. I look back at my bed and wonder aga: How did I get back into my bed? I highly doubt Josh could move me because Ive gained a little waight over the past few days, so I may have gotten up, walked back to my room and fell back asleep and was so tired that I just forgot or thought it was a dream. Josh walks down the hall and over to my open door. He knocks on the door frame. 

"Hey... uh. Tyler just texted me and said he wants to hang out. I haven't said anything back yet. It's up to you if you'd want to meet him." 

"Oh. I don't want to bother you two. You can hang out with him today, I was going to go drop off some job applications tomorrow, but I can do it today." I spit out fast, hoping to get out of the situation. I really don't want to intrude on band things.

"You wouldn't be a bother. I can see if Jenna would be coming." Josh says hoping I'll agree to stay. I can see we're at an impasse. I'm very yielding, so I'll end up giving in and agreeing to stay.  

"Awesome." He says excited. I nod. Josh walks away and texts Tyler, I guess. I pace my room. I'm so nervous. I mean yes I love Twenty One Pilots, but it's just a little bit nerve racking. Josh walks by my room and see's my nervousness. He comes in and sit's on the very edge of my bed. I sit down also. I start playing with my finger nails. I mess with stuff when I get nervous.    

"There's still time to tell them not to. They wont care." Josh says braking the silance. I shake my head. 

"No, It's alright. How long till they get here?" I asked trying to stay calm.

"Doesn't matter. They could be here now, it could still be ten minutes, or even half an hour. If you know, you're going to stress about it. Right now, it's just us. Okay? Nothing to worry about. Let's talk about something else. Did you hear anything else out about your house?" Josh questions staring deep into my eyes. I get a warm feeling in my gut, almost like a sickness. Butterfly's swarm in my belly and there flapping wings speeds up my heart beat. I try to stay calm. I know it's not from the nervousness of meeting Jenna and Tyler, because for a few minutes, I completely forgot about that, I forgot about Twenty One Pilots. All I saw was Josh. 

"No. Just that a guy bought it, and he's going to fix it up completely from practically the ground up and sell it." I sayfast destracted by my nerves. 

"That's nice. What was the thing you were watching on TV before you fell asleep? It looked intresting" 

"Um. They we're-" I pause. "Wait... was that, you?" 

"Me, what?" 

"Who put me back me back in my bed." He nods. That's so sweet! He's must be incredibly strong to carry me all the way back to my bed. Stop Paisley. You know you can't fall for him. A. You'll be gone in a few days B. He'll just think it's because you're a fan And C. He'll never like you back. 

"Yup." Right after he says that, we hear the door open and close. 
"What's up my broth-uh!" I hear Tyler yell, followed by Jenna -I assume Jenna- laughing. Josh looks at me and we both stand up. He grabs my hand and holds it as we walk out to the living room. When I feel his hand interlock with mine, all my worries went away. I felt okay. When we walking into the living room Tyler ran and jumped on Josh and hugged him. I jumped pretty hard. For a second Josh didn't let go, he squeezed my hand, then let go and bear hugged Tyler. Tyler let go and steeped back. 

"Tyler, Jenna. This is Paisley. Paisley this is my friend and band mate Tyler and his wife Jenna." He introduces me like I don't know who they are. I was hoping he would do that. Him just doing all he's done so far took all my worries away. 

"Hi, Paisley." Tyler says waving all cute and funny. I wave back not saying anything, but smiling pretty big. Tyler starts telling Josh about something that happened to him on the way over here, I never caught what exactly happened. Jenna and I go into the kitchen, sit at the dinning room table and talk.

"So, you and Josh. How'd you two meet?" She asked smiling wide. She puts her glass of water to her lips and takes a sip. 

"Oh... we're not dating or anything." I say awkwardly. She nods smirking. "But uh. I was walking outside and this guys was yelling at me and he helped me. He's just letting me stay here for a few days. I don't think anything more is gonna happen. I've only been here three days." I take a sip of my water.

"But, I can tell he really likes you." She says. I almost spit out my water, but I save myself in time by slamming my hand over my mouth to stop any water from spewing out. "I've known Josh for a while now. The way he looks at you. He was holding your hand. The way he smiles when he says your name. I know you've only been here for three days, but you must have done something to make him fall hard, fast." I listen in shock. 

"Really?" Is all that slips out of my mouth. I could have thought of something better to say, but I'm in disbelief. She nods. 

"But you didn't hear it from me." She says. I nod smiling. We keep talking for another hour or so, then Tyler and Josh get some pizza and we all have that for dinner. 

I Can't Help Falling In Love With You- Josh Dun LSWhere stories live. Discover now