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[ Josh ]

-Three days before trial January. 13th-

I hustle into Jerry's office. Tyler and I were recording so I was going to be late. Paisley and Jerry knew, but I still feel bad for leaving Paisley three days before the trial. Even though I think we're ready, I know Paisley is still nervous. Jerry has been nothing short of amazing to us. I'm sure we're going to win, get a restraining order, and get Parker in jail. I knock on the door then enter right away. I see Jerry look up and give me a weak smile and gesture for me to sit down next to paisley. Like always, I pull my chair over closer to her chair so I can hold her hand if needed.

"What up?" I asked glancing at the paper work on Jerry's desk.

"More trial prep." Paisley says signing another form. She hands it to Jerry and he signs it too. "What was it you were going to tell me when Josh got here?" Jerry's face went pale. He swallowed hard and looked at his hands. He looked back up at paisley. I grab Paisley's hand and hold it tight.

"I was digging through some files of yours and" He paused. If I was getting nervous, I can only imagine how scared Paisley is. "I found your mother. I was hoping, with your permission of course, that we could get her to come to trial. She could be useful to your case. You know I love ya kid. I wouldn't bring it up unless I knew it could help."

"But we already know for sure, that I did nothing wrong here! We already have evidence of everything Parker did, why do we need her?" Paisley starts getting angry.

"Paisley, it's okay. You can say no. But... the more help on our side the better. More to Prove Parker's guilty; and you know how some cases of assault and rape don't ever get sentencing..." I trail off trying to get her to agree. She bites her lip and nods.

"I refuse to see her or talk to her until the day of." Jerry and I both nod.

"I'll call her now. Do you want to stay?" Paisley nods, we stay and listen to him talk to Paisley's mom. I can't tell to much. It's a lot of "Yeah" and "Of course." and "Uh hu." He hangs up the phone.

"She's booking her plane ticket now."

"Is she still in Indiana?" Paisley asked acting like she doesn't care. Jerry nods. Paisley nods with him. We end the meeting and we go back to my house. Paisley runs to the kitchen and grabs Oreos.

"Paisley!" I whine. She comes out with a row of Oreos in her hand and sit's by me on the couch. I open my mouth and she plops one in my mouth. "Thank's babe." She laughs. "Can I ask you a question?" I asked.

"Oops! You just asked one. I only allow one question per day. You used it up. Sorry." I laugh at her and kick her foot. "Okay. Shoot." She grabs another Oreo and takes a bit.

"Can you really tell me, from start to finish, what happened back in high school or when ever this all started?" Paisley sighs and puts the oreos on a napkin. She nods and wipes the chocolate dust off of her hands. I watch her like a hawk

"Alright... uh. My dad died when I was four from this like, leg cancer thing. So it was just my mom and I. I was an only child. My mom wasn't the best parent. We just never got along; I was closer with my dad so when he passed away, there was no one to reff our fights and make me ice cream sundays on Sundays. Even as a five year old I was fighting with her. I was quite a wild, out going, rebel child. So in middle school I made friends with mostly guys. And in high school my guy friends introduced me to there friend, Parker. We started dating, right after I got shy, introverted and insecure because of him. He was abusive from day one; but it started with little things. Called the cops on him a few times. Never pressed charges or anything, I was too scared. One day he went too far and hit me until I was unconscious, my mom saw me, but didn't do anything except yell 'I TOLD YOU SO!' When I was fully awake, I called the cops on both of them. Fled the state before anyone could do anything. That's when I moved to Ohio because it was so close to home, but far enough to where no on would look."

"Wow. I'm so sorry, paisley. I would never have guessed..." I stop mid sentence.

"I know. Look on the bright side: I would have never have met you, Tyler, Jenna. I would never have gotten my job. I wouldn't be me." She laughs a little. I nod and tackle her in a hug that sends us both to the floor. I kiss her hard and pull her close to me. We kiss and the world stops. I let go, but bring her into a hug. I can feel her heart beating fast. She's shaking. I've never felt so much love for anyone. It's not sympathy love for what she's going through, it's love. She's the best thing that's ever happened to me. And I like that. 

I Can't Help Falling In Love With You- Josh Dun LSWhere stories live. Discover now