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[ Paisley ]

I pace the bathroom trying to remember what happened last night. I have no clue, but all signs point to sex. It's not like I had never done it before. Parker has been my only one... it wasn't my choice though. I wanted to wait for a long time, but he wasn't having it. I start crying and run to change my shirt and put on underwear. 

I cheated on Josh. I just cheated on my boyfriend the first night he was away. I'm a monster. I'm a horrible person. I start crying even more. I can't breath. Parker wakes up and tries to hug me. 

"YOU!" I scream. I look over at him and realize he's naked. "GO PUT ON PANTS, MY GOD!" He puts pants on and comes over to me smiling. "You ass hole. You got me drunk so you could bang me? I HAVE A BOYFRIEND!" I start screaming. He tries to hug me again. "GET OFF OF ME!" I get my pants and walk out of his room. I walk to the door, but stop when I hear his voice.

"Are you really going to go back to your 'boyfriend' after you just cheated on him? Come on, we both know that's not like you. You're such a goody goody, Paisley." He's right. I start breathing heavy. I turn around with tears welling up in my eyes. 

"You knew I don't drink. I love Josh. And he loves me. And I hate you with a passion." 

"Awe, that's not nice to say." He pauses. "And are you sure Josh loves you? Have you said I love you?" 

"N-no." I stutter. He starts walking around, back and forth. Scratching his small beard.

"So you don't know if he loves you? Wow... I bet you if you leave now, witch is fine, it will go like this: I know you hate lying, but you're going to do it anyways. You'll hide this little night and try to tell yourself it was nothing; but it will eat you alive. You'll have to tell him, and when you do. What will he think? He obviously doesn't think this relationship is serious or worth anything, or he'd say the 'L' word by now. So, he'll drop ya. Let ya go. You're no good to him you cheating ass hole." I slide to the ground, feeling small and week.

"Stop." I choke out trying to hold back the tears that are already welling up in my eyes. I know he's right. He always does this. I hate that he's anyways right. 

"You might as well brake up with him now. Just save yourself the pain." He stops and looks at me. "Oh. And wasn't your only two big don't were drinking and one-night stands?" I start crying again. He's right. The only two things I always said I would never do were drugs (drinking) and one-night stands. "So I guess we're back together again." He walks out of the front room and back to the bathroom leaving me alone on the floor in a river of my tears and sweat.

He did this on purposes to try to get us back together. He played my weakness, just like the old days. That's it. We're dating now. Josh and I are done. I'm so numb and hung over, I just pass out on the couch. I hate myself, and I know Josh will hate me. I wake up to Parker kissing me. 

"Lets go out to eat." I get up and put on what I had on yesterday. We go to breakfast, but nothing sounds appetizing.  Parker scarfs down a crap tone. He's a hangover veteran. I go home after breakfast and put all of Josh's things in a box. I tear up as the Elephant, jacket, shirt, poster, blanket, and necklace go into the box. I put it by the door. I'm a monster. I hurt the best thing that ever happened to me. It's all my fault. 

[ Josh ] 

"Anything?" Tyler asked sitting next to me. 

"No. I'm kind of worried." I say staring at my phone. I text Paisley again. I haven't gotten a response since yesterday evening. Paisley would never do this. She promised she'd text me at least once a day.

"I just sent Jenna over to go check on her. She'll tell you what's up." Tyler says putting down him phone. "Maybe she lost her phone, or it's dead, or broken. You don't know. It'll be okay." I nod. Tyler get's up and walks to the bus door. "Sound checks in an hour." He says walking out. I nod and lay back on the couch. I look at my phone to see if I got a reply yet. I wait for a minute or two before I put my phone in my pocket and give up. I walk out of the bus and to sound check. 

"That was good. Okay. Thanks guys. Call times in an half an hour." Mark says walking by, busy on his phone. Tyler and I walk back to the green room and sit on the couch. I feel my butt vibrates. I dig my phone out of my pocket and see I got a text from Jenna. 

'She's not home. She's not at your place and she's not at the vets. I tried calling her, but she just send me a text saying sorry.' ~Jenna

'What else did she say?' ~Josh

'Nothing. It only said: "sorry..." ' ~Jenna

'Please check again. I'm worried...' ~Josh

'I'm parked outside her house now. If she's not back by the end of your set, I'll call you.' ~Jenna

'Thank you so much!' ~Josh 

"What'd she say?" Tyler questioned putting on his skeleton jacket. 

"She said sorry. That's it." I rub my temples trying to relieve the stress. 

"Who, Jenna or Paisley?" 

"Paisley. She texted Jenna sorry, and never said anything else." I look look down and my phone and toss it on the couch. 

"Well. Let it all out on stage." I nod and walk out towards the stage, getting ready to play. I don't speak. I get an angry look on my face and only focus on my drum set. 

I Can't Help Falling In Love With You- Josh Dun LSWhere stories live. Discover now