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[ Paisley ]

I find myself in the same place as last time. Jenna and Tyler's house, saying good bye to Josh. As everyone is lodging things on the bus, Josh stays by my side. He hasn't left my side all last night or today. His arm around my waist, my arms hugging him, his lips kissing my head. I'm shaking like mad. I don't want him to go. I want him to stay. I want to wake up next to him in the mornings. Like he promised.

"I'll call you tonight. You'll be okay. Last time was an isolated situation. I'm sure you'll be okay. I trust you." He utters with his lips still pressed against my head. I move so I'm fully hugging him, not just a side hug.

"I know. I just want you to go and have fun. Hit those drums for me."

"I will, I will." He trails off. I pull away from the hug and look at him. He kisses me. "I should get going. I'll see you in a month."

"A month." I repeat. Since Twenty One Pilots always tours for so long, Josh and Tyler get to bring Jenna and I for a little while while they're on tour. Jenna is going after me. They're be too many people on the bus if we went at the same time. "Bye." I whisper as he walks away. He gets on the bus and waves before they slam the door shut. Jenna and I walk back inside. "So I've been wanting to see this movie for ever but Josh didn't want to, so you and I should-"

"I can't, tonight. Maybe tomorrow." Jenna smiles a little and walks into the kitchen. I follow her in, walking straight to the fridge and grabbing a bottle of water.

"Oh. Sure. What are you doing?" I asked a little curious as to why nobody mentioned this. And I mean, it's noon, why's she doing all night? I take a sip of my water.

"I'm going to a concert to catch up with a friend." She starts putting dishes in the dish washer, avoiding eye contact at all cost.

"What concert?" I question, taking another sip of water.

"The Never Ending." She mumbles. I take a deep breath in and nod. Josh's ex girlfriends band.

"Oh. Cool. I uh. Yeah. Have fun at that tonight. I'll see you tomorrow?" I ask walk to grab my purse.

"Please don't be upset Paisley. You're welcome to come if you want, I just don't think you'd want to."

"No, Jenna. You're sweet but I couldn't. We'll just plan on tomorrow. Okay?" I ask. She smiles and mouths 'okay.' I pull her into a quick hug and wave good bye as I walk out back to my car. Debby Ryan? The Never Ending? I mean I love Debby, I'm a big fan of her work, but I feel like they're be uncomfortable tension between us. I don't hate the girl, but I don't know how she feels about me.

I drive home and plop on the couch. I can't stop thinking about all of that. Josh and Debby. Jenna going to the concert. Who broke up with who? Does Debby even know about me? How good of friends are Jenna and Debby? I hear a loud sound and snap out of my thoughts. There's a fight scene on TV. I was out so long I don't even know what's going on. I turn off the TV because I'm completely lost on what's going on.

I aimlessly walk around the house for a couple of minutes before I decide to go to bed. I scroll on tumbler and twitter for a few house. There's a loud pounding on my door three times before they stop. I look at my phone and see it's nine thirty. I run into the kitchen and grab a knife. I set the knife down on the key table right next to the door. I look through the peep hole and see green and pink hair. I open the door and see Debby Ryan standing at my door.

"Hi. You're, Debby Ryan."

"And you're Paisley McKinney." She reports. I nod slowly.

"Uh, what are you doing here? How did you-" I start to question before she cuts me of.

"Jenna told me a little about you. I heard about you and Josh from fans and twitter, instagram. I wanted to come talk to you before I leave tonight."

"Yeah. Uh. Would you like to come in?" I questioned.

"No. I shouldn't. I just wanted to say, You're lucky to have Josh. He's an amazing guy. I'd do anything to have him back, but if I can't I'm happy it's you. You two are amazing together."

"Thank you. For some reason, I thought you'd hate me or something. But. Thank you."

"Here's my number. If any problems with you and Josh come up, call me." Debby reaches in her pocket and hands me a slip of paper with numbers scribbled on it.

"Wait, what?" I yell.

"Oh, I just want to be there for you if anything happens. I heard a little about when you two broke up, so... But, Jenna's amazing and will still be in touch even after you brake up, but the fans can be ruthless." My eyes get wide. I can't breath. I all my muscles stiffen at once.

"W-what do you mean?" I stutter. My phone rings. I look at the caller ID. "It's Josh..." I whisper wide eyed at the phone.

"I shroud go. It was lovely meeting you, Paisley." Debby gives me a weak smile, and walks back off to her tour bus I never noticed was in my drive way. Tears build up in my eyes. I answer the call and bring the phone up to my ear.


I Can't Help Falling In Love With You- Josh Dun LSМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя