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[ Paisley ]

It's the day after I meet Jenna and Tyler. Jenna was really nice and funny. It was awesome! After they left, Josh and I watched TV for a few hours then went to bed. I'm leaving on Thursday which is in three days. I really hope Josh doesn't ask me to stay longer. I can't date Josh. I mean, yeah I really wish I could; but I can't. He deserves someone better. And maybe he doesn't feel that way and it was Jenna who falsely accused him of liking me. I just can't. Anyway, I got a job interview today for a front desk job at a veterinarian office. It's close to the apartment I'm looking at. I get dressed and grab my phone and wallet. I start walking out. Josh is sitting on the couch watching TV, he stops me.

"Where're you going?" He asked getting up and walking over to me. I step back a little.

"I'm going to a job interview. It's for a front desk job position at a vets office. It's close to the apartment I'm going to rent, so it's really convenient." I say starting to walk away.

"What time will that get over?" He asked. I stop and turn around. I don't actually know. No one told me.

"It'll probably be an hour tops." I guess.

"Meet me at the coffee place down the street at noon then." He says. I nod and walk out. I walk all the way there. It never occurred to Josh and myself that I don't have a way to get there, but I'm happy it didn't. I need time to think. About, all of this. Him, the job, what Jenna told me. Everything. I get there. The interview goes pretty well. I think I got it. I start walking to the coffee. I look at the my phone to see the time. Noon straight up and I'm almost to the coffee shop. I see Josh sitting in the back corner. I walk over to him and sit down.

"Hey." I say trying to sound like I don't know what's going on.

"So, how'd it goooo?!" He asked holding out the 'o.' I laugh. He's so cute through! What ever happens, happens. Don't stress.

"Good! I think I got it. It went really well. Everyone seemed to like me, so I guess that a good sign." I say. He nods smiling. I get the sick feeling of butterfly's. I like that feeling. I always have. The butterfly's I get around Josh are more extreme the I've ever had, and I like that. I like the way he looks at me when we make eye contact. I like his smile when he laughs. I like, everything.

"That's awesome! I'm glad." He pauses. " Do you want uh." He stops and points to the line of coffee buyers. I shake my head smiling.

"Nah. I'm, I'm good." He nods. The whole time we talk about the job interview and little mini conversations that come up. I notice that I smile more when I'm around him. He smiles quite a lot, witch makes me smile. "Let's go back." I say. He nods and we get up and walk out. He starts walking away. "Where's your car?"

"I walked here." I nod and catch up to him. We walk a little ways and then I stop to look at graffiti in an ally. It looks pretty cool. I take a picture of it and we keep walking. "Race you back?"Josh asked. I smirk thinking about it.

"Deal." I say smiling wide.

"Fine. Loser has to... ha, loser has to give the winner a piggy back ride one around the kitchen. Three times." He says. We shake hands. We pick a starting line, and start sprinting. We run on the bumpy sidewalk dodging other people walking. I haven't run much lately so it's hard, and my lungs start burning from the cold crisp air. I see Josh pull ahead by a long ways. I spring with all my might, but it's not enough. Josh won. After his victory piggy back ride witch ended up being 4 times around the house, we plop on the couch and watching TV until one of us passes out. I was the first to pass out.

I Can't Help Falling In Love With You- Josh Dun LSWhere stories live. Discover now