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[ Paisley ]

Today is my first day of work. Olivia the other front desk lady shows me around the office. She shows me where they keep everything, where all the rooms are, and who else works there. Everyone is really nice and everything seems easy to find.

"Any questions?" Olivia asked. I shake my head proud that I completely understand this.

"I think I'm good. Thanks." I say trying to keep eye contact with her.

"Good! I'll be in the back working on a few things. If you need me, holler. But starting on Wednesday I wont be here on the day's you're working." She says. I nod getting right to work. I start taking calls for appointments. Luckily majority of what this job is, is paper work and phone calls. I look down and do all the paper work and organize client folders for a few hours. Olivia comes over to check on me a few times.

"Hey, I'm going on lunch break. I'm just going to the taco place down the street. " She says walking.

"Alright. I'll be fine here." I say. She opens the door and the bell attached to the door rings. She walks out and the bell rings from the door closing. Five minutes later the bell rings as someone comes in. I look up fast but don't catch who it is because they're running. They run up over to me. I hear heavy panicked breathing.

"Help me, please!" I look up and see it's Christopher. One of the guys who was beating me up when Josh was outside. He looks panicked. I don't know what to do. He know's it's me. We've know each other for years, all through middle and high school, even after high school he continues bully me. I panic. " My dog, she's been hit by a car. I need to see the vet!"

"Do you have an appointment?" I asked like I don't care.

"Look I'm sorry, Paisley! I am! But my dog got hit ten minutes ago! She needs help! Please... I'm so sorry." He begs still panicked.

"Have you been here before?" I asked. He nods breathing heavy. "Sit down. I'll bring him out here. I'm doing this for the dog... not you." I say stern, walking to the back. The vet is with another animal. A little girls cat has a broken paw. "Sorry... but this is, very urgent." I say to the vet. He nods and stops what he's doing to rush out to the waiting room. He takes the dog back and Christopher follows. After 30 minutes the little girl walks out with her cat all patched up. Ten minutes later Christopher walks out with his dog in arms. The vet gives me the paper work for prescriptions for the dog.

"Thank you, Pais-" I stop him by holding up my hand.

"Save it. You're not. Sign here." I demanded handing him a clip board. He nods and signs. I give him the bottle.

"Here. He probably told you, but give them to her when she wakes up, and after her dinner." I say. He nods. He walks out of the office. The vet, walks over to me.

"You know him?" He asked looking at their chart.

"Sadly, yes." I say sitting down.

"Sadly? Chris and rose are my favorite patients." He says putting the chart away. "I'll be in the back, cleaning. My next appointment is in 10 minutes. Tell them I'll be a bit." He says walking back. I nod. Olivia walks back in, and the day goes on. I get off at three and walk home. I don't mind the walk. If anything, it's the part of the day I look forward to. I get back and I walk in the door. I hear screaming. I run into the living room and see Josh and Tyler playing some video game. I walk over and watch what they're doing. They finish the round and Tyler won.

"How was you're first day?" Josh asked excited.

"Fine, I guess. I'll tell you the boring details later." I say lying. I would rather not tell Tyler all my life problems after I literally just met him a few days ago. Josh nods. Tyler and Josh keep playing and I watch. Tyler goes home after an hour or so, and Josh and I sit on the floor in the kitchen eating pizza he ordered over two hours ago, but never ended up eating with Tyler.

"So how was your day. You seemed kind of... eh, about it." I smile, embarrassed he had to ask me when my mouth was stuffed with pizza. I chew fast, then tell him.

"I mean, it was good, staff is really nice, office is really nice... but. Remember the guys who were harassing me in the street?" I asked. Josh looked up at me with fear blazing in his eyes. "One of them was there today."

"What happened?" He asked taking a bite of pizza.

"Nothing to bad. I guess his dog was hit by a car, so he rushes her there. I was kind of rude, but way more nice nice with him then I should have been. He said sorry, but I really don't believe him. It's okay, I'm fine and all, it was just weird seeing him." Josh nods.

"Well, at least he said sorry. Weather he meant it or not he acknowledged he did something wrong." I nod. Josh is great at advice and see's a different side then I would have. He's also a lot nicer then I am. He's just amazing.

"Anyways, how was your day?" I asked.

"Good, good. Tyler came over after you left. We talked, didn't eat pizza, and played video games."

"Sounds like a good day." I yawn. " I'm beat. Night, Josh." I say standing up and walking back to my room. I change into pjs and lay down for the night.

I Can't Help Falling In Love With You- Josh Dun LSWhere stories live. Discover now