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[ Tyler ] 

- Two months later. November 20th- 

We got back from tour yesterday. Josh would not leave my side. Jenna somehow convinced him to go home, so now Jenna and I can go talk to Paisley and get things straightened out. We drive up to her house and see her car parked out in front. Good. She's home. I sigh and look at Jenna. She smiles weakly and grabs my hand. I nod and let go. We both get out of the car and creep up to her front door as if walking to fast will scare her away. I knock on the door four times then step back. She opens the door with a smile until she see's it's us. He smile dies and turns into almost tears. 

"Please leave Tyler." She begs with no emotion in her voice. She doesn't make eye contact. 

"Do you know how hurt Josh is over this? We got back yesterday and he would not leave our side all day. Can you just give us an explanation. Being vague only hurts him more." I explain. Paisley looks at me then closes the door in our faces. I look at Jenna and she nods for me to knock again. Before I can, She opens the door again and shoves a box into my arms. 

"He is all of Josh's stuff. Give it to him and tell him he wouldn't want me back anyways. It's better if I just don't see him again. If I tell him, he'll hate me instead of miss me. I know it hurts, but it would hurt more if I told him." 

"Cut the emotional crap and just tell me straight. Why did you brake up with Josh?" Jenna asked getting a little angry. She hates seeing Josh so sad just as much as I do. 

"Look. I'm sorry. I care about Josh, but I don't want to hurt him. My boyfriend just pulled up. You should go." I watch a guy get out of his car and hustle up the stairs. When he's at the top of the stairs leading up to Paisley's apartment, he picks her up. He spins her around and kisses her. Paisley laughs and playfully hits him. I watch heart broken at this new guy. That should he Josh.

"Babe, who are they?" He asked in a deep masculine voice. 

"Parker, this is Jenna and Tyler. Guys, this is my boyfriend. Parker." I nod and give a weak smile. 

"We were just going. Nice to meet you Parker. Bye Paisley." I say. Jenna and I walk out fast. We drive straight to Josh's house.

[ Josh ] 

"I'm sorry, Josh." Jenna puts her arm around me and side hugs me. I nod. 

"So was he.. like... good looking?" I asked not really knowing if I wanted to hear the answer. 

"Brown hair, stubble beard" I start, Jenna interrupts. 

"Strong jaw line. Tallish, toned muscles, but not to big... sorry."  I pick up the box Tyler handed me with all my stuff back from Paisley. 

"I have to talk to her." I stand up and drop the box. I start walking to the door. I grab my jacket and slip on my shoes.

"That's probably not a good idea. I mean she didn't even talk to us. She'll never talk to you." Tyler tries to explain. I don't want to hear it, so I choose not to. I walk out without another word and start driving to Paisley's apartment complex. 

I Can't Help Falling In Love With You- Josh Dun LSOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant