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[ Josh ] 

I wake up to Paisley opening and closing doors. I get up and stumble out of bed. She's already dressed and ready. She comes over and hugs me. As tired as I am, I still manage a strong hug. 

"Morning! I have to go to work." She rushing towards the door and slips her shoes on. I slowly follow her to the door. She steadies herself on the wall slipping her shoes on.

"How about we go out to eat on your lunch hour." I suggest. Paisley slows down and stops for a second. She looks up at me smiling, her cheeks bright pink. 

"Yeah, I'd love to. Come by about 12:40." I nod trying to smile, but I'm still pretty groggy. She opens the door and walks out. She starts her walk to the office. She told me when we were out to dinner she really likes her morning walks. I tried to offer a ride but she turned it down. 

I run back to my room and get ready. I take a shower, brush my teeth, do my hair and get dressed. I look in the merrier and the outfit I chose looks stupid. I go back and pick another one. It's a little better. But Paisley always looks so amazing, she'll see how the shirt is a little to big and it doesn't look good with my pants. I hear a ping come from my phone. I pick it up. Tyler. 

' Dude. Today is your day. Ask her out. It's now or never. She leaves tomorrow.' ~ Tyler

' She's at work. I can't.' ~Josh

' Ask her when she comes back!' ~Tyler

' That's not good enough. I want it to be nice, not the day before she leaves.' ~Josh

' Then ask her during work! Please, she's all you ever talk about anymore. it looks like she likes you too.' ~Tyler

'Fine. I'll try. No promises.' ~ Josh

' Sick! Have fun. Don't be nervous. she likes you too, dude.' ~ Tyler

[ Paisley ]

"Paisley. It's Josh." Olivia says peaking around the corner of our client chart shelf. I put my last chart away in it's place and fix my hair really fast. I take a deep breath and walk out. I see him standing there playing with a bobble head on out front desk. When he see's me his eyes light up. 

"Hey." I say. 

"Hi. Ready?" He asked. I nod. We walk out of the office and to his car. We end up going to a small Chinese place a block away. We order our food within minutes of sitting down.

"How has your day been so far?" Josh asked. His eyes glued to mine.

"Well, we had a Guinea pig with a broken leg. A cat that wasn't eating. And, a bird with a broken wing. They're all healed up now. So, pretty good. How about you?" 

"It was good. Hey, there was something I wanted to-" I get cut off. 

"I'm sorry. We're out of the chicken. Do you want a substitute?" The waiter asked. Paisley shook hear head. 

"That's okay. I think I'm good. Thank you." Paisley looks back at me. That's it, I can't. I can't do it. "What were you saying?" She asked. I think of something fast. 

"Uh...  I was just going to say I might be gone when you get back. I'm going to record a few things with Tyler for the new album." Her eyes light up. 

"That's so cool! So, is there a there a tour anytime soon?" We get our food and eat fast. Paisley and I leave right after we finish so she can go back to work. I drop her off and I drive to Tyler and Jenna's. Jenna opens the door and pulls me into a hug. She lets go and tells me Tyler's in the back yard. I go out back and see him sitting outside on the grass, crisscross, writing. I sit next to him. 

"How it go?" He asked in a monotone voice. He was to focused on writing to look up at me, let alone put emotion into his voice. I'm used to this kind of thing and really I don't need someone to listen, I just need to get my feelings off my chest. I ramble on for a couple minutes before Tyler finally puts his pen down and listens. "So you didn't ask her." He confirms after my speech. 

"I never got the chance to." I say hopelessly. I hang my head in shame and put my hands over my depressed face to hide. 

"She's coming back tonight. Ask her then. Then you can do what ever you want. Trust me it's not that big of a deal, don't work yourself up. You can do this, man." Tyler advises. I know I should listen to him, but it's scary. I really like her. I just want everything to be perfect. I sigh and push my body to stand up. "Wait! You're leaving?" 

"Yeah." I say not bothering to turn back.

"If you leave, you're out of the band!" Tyler jokes. 

"Love you too!" I call back walking out the door and back to my car. I drive home thinking of how I'm going to ask her. I need to find some nice way of doing it. On my way back I get a text from her. I open it when I'm back home sitting on the couch.

' I have to stay late tonight. A big dog ran back to the file area and messed up all the files. Do me a solid and dig out my duffel bag?' ~ Paisley

' Fine... ;(' ~Josh

' Why so blue shmoo?' ~ Paisley

' Nothing. See ya when you get back.' ~ Josh

This sucks. 

I Can't Help Falling In Love With You- Josh Dun LSWhere stories live. Discover now