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[ Josh ]

"911 what's your what's your emergency?" A kind, calm lady on the other line asked. I can't think. Nothing is on my mind. I'm blanking out. This is the most scared I've ever been.

"My girlfriends abusive ex boyfriend is here." I spit out as fast as I can.

"Okay, what's your name, son?" the dispatcher asked as I hear her typing. I struggle to find my one name. I'm trying to listen to Paisley and Parker, talk to the operator, and stay calm. I'm starting to sweat.

"Josh Dun." I finally get out.

"Do you know what he's done to her?"

"Does that really matter right now?! He's here! He's abusive! Just send help!" I scream getting frustrated.

"I've already sent help, stay on the line with me. There are people on there way. What is his name?"

"Parker. I don't know his last name."

​"Okay. Where is your girlfriend?"

"She's out on the porch yelling at him. He would have just run away if we would have hid from him."

"I just got word that they're at your location." I hang up and run out to see Parker hand cuffed and being carried away, Paisley sat on the couch with two police officers. She looks shaken up. I sit down next to her.

"What did he do to you?" The woman cop asked.

"He's raped me, drugged me, today he slapped me and he has hit me before. I stayed with him all thoughts years because he make me feel like nobody else would want me. He played mind games." She nods stopping to cry. She rests her head in my chest.

I look around and see cops outside outside, cops sitting talking to Paisley, and someone looking at at spec of blood on the carpet. I've never really seen an abusive relationship. I never thought I'd have to. I've only heard about some and it seems horrible. Seeing the woman I love have to still be in one, kills me. When you look at her you'd never think this was happening to her. Sometimes I even forget. She's a very reserved person and hates to talk about herself or ask for anything. Knowing such a good person has to go through this, and being helpless, kills me.

"Mr. Dun?" Someone asked. I shake my head and snap out of my thoughts.


"You're, Miss McKinney's current boyfriend. Correct?" I nod rubbing Paisley's arm as she still hides in my chest.

"And, you called 911, correct?" I nod again wanting this whole questionnaire to be done so I can fully be there for Paisley. Everyone gets up and talks with each other while Paisley and I stay embracing on the couch. A man comes over to talk to us.

"Thank you both for your cooperation. We will be giving you a call for the court date. He's my card if you need anything else." I take the card from him. Everyone see's them self out and it's just Paisley and I.

"How ya holding up?"

"I'm fine." She stands up off of me and walks into the kitchen. I hear the freezer open and shut again. She walks back to her room and closes the door. I get up and walk to her room and see her laying in bed with an ice pack on her face. I slowly walk over to the bed, crawl in and lift up the ice pack. There's a big red hand print. She was hiding her face from me.

"Paisley, I am so sorry I wasn't there to stop him." I bite back tears hugging Paisley.

"It's okay, Josh. I asked you to call. I wanted you to be gone. I knew I could handle him. At least one last time." She whispers also starting to cry.

"You really don't need to be so brave. It's okay."

"That's the only way I know how to deal with all of this, is to not talk about it. I suppress my feelings. You know I hate any sympathy and attention on me. I just. Hide it."

"I just, hate seeing you like this. I mean he slapped you. He drew blood." I run my finger over the almost dried blood on her cheek bone. She has a cut on her lip too, but it's not bleeding very much.

"It was only a little from me biting my cheek and my nose bleeding." She's cut up and bleeding all over her face. Her bloody nose has stopped. I pull her close to me. We spoon for a few minutes in silence, I just want to embrace her and make her feel loved. I brake the silence.

"God I love you." I whisper brushing her hair out of her face. She nods laughing.

"I love you too. I just wish we hadn't lost that two and a half months." I nod. Honestly, if we hadn't lot that much time. I would have proposed by now, or she'd be living with me. I can't see myself being with anyone else. I hear Paisley's cute little snore. I know she's asleep. It's only 5:30pm, and we woke up at noon but today (what little day time we had) was tiring. I dose in and out of sleep until I crash at around 1am.

I Can't Help Falling In Love With You- Josh Dun LSWhere stories live. Discover now