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[ Paisley ]

I wake up to a bright light in my face. I guess I forgot to put the blinds down. I look over at the clock and see it's five a.m. I'm the type of person that once I'm awake, I'm never been able to go back to sleep. I don't want to go out to the living room alone, so I'm stuck in here. I go on my laptop and go on tumblr. I scroll through pictures of Supernatural, Doctor Who, Sherlock, All Time Low, and cats. I go on my iTunes and put it on shuffle. All Tiem Low - Somethings Gotta Give comes on. I turn it way down, so low I have to breath quiet to hear it. I'm scared I'll wake up Josh if it's louder.

I start looking Twenty one Pilots up. Not to stalk; but I want to see when and if there is a tour coming up. I find that they just got off tour two days ago. Wow I feel bad. He literally just got a break and I just... I sigh. I get up, get dressed fast and do my make up. I quietly walk out of my room. I look at the clock on the wall by the front door. 7:39 am. I walk out the door. I don't really know where I'm going, but I know I have to be gone all day. I want to give Josh a break from me.

I walk around the neighborhood and just look around. I find a park a few blocks away and stay there for a while. Nobody's there since it's the end of summer in Ohio, but that makes it all the more better. I love summer, it's so pretty. After a hour of being at the park I decide to walk home, my old home I should say, to see if I forgot anything. I walk in and see someone sitting on the couch watch TV. I don't move. I stop breathing. They look over at me. It's Parker, my ex boyfriend from 3 years ago.

"Paisley!" He screams excited. He runs over and hugs me. I don't hug him. He lets go and looks at me.

"How did you get into my house? The door was locked. Why are you here? We're not together anymore." I say afraid, but I fake like I'm angry. We dated all through high school, I finally dumped him three years ago. Lets just say, he took advantage of me.

"I wanted to see you. I feel bad we broke up and I miss you. I want to get back together, babe. Come on, I love you. I always have. Please just take me back."

"Don't call me babe! I broke up with you, three years ago. I don't miss you! You used me!" I yell. He falls silent. "You were a dick to me. I'm done. You were so, so bad to me. I can't even believe you're here." I hold back tears because the memories come flooding back. "Please leave."

"What? Do you have a new boyfriend or something?" He asked. Knowing him, if I say no, he'll wonder why I'm not taking him back. But, if I say yes, he'll want to meat him.

"Doesn't matter. I want you out. Never come back here or I will call the cops on you... again." I say. He looks confused and then angry.

"Answer my question and I'll leave. Do you have a boyfriend? Yes or no." He asked stern.

"Yes. I do. Now Leave. "

"Fine. But just F.Y.I. I've changed. I'll see you again soon." He says storming out. He's such a baby. I hate him. I watch out the window to make sure he leaves.I lied. I don't have a boyfriend. But if he does find me, I'll just lie and say he's not with me at that moment or something. I just couldn't say I didn't have one.

I turn off the TV and walk around the house. I did leave a few things. I'm happy I came back because tomorrow I'm selling this place. I carry everything back to Josh's. As I walk up to the door, I don't know if I should knock, or just enter. I don't think I'm at that level where I can just walk in, but I also don't want to act like this is some foreign home... even though it kind of is. But before I can do ether one, Josh opens the door.

"Where were you? You where gone all day, and you never said where." He said concerned. He practically pulls me in. We go sit in the living room. I guess he missed me... maybe?

"I was just walking around the neighborhood. I went back and got the rest of my things from home. I didn't think you'd get to worried." I say smiling.

"Pff. I-I was not worried. I was just, confused." He says trying to play it off.

"You were too worried!" I exclaim, laughing.

"Fine. Maybe a little." He says. "Look. I got band stuff to do, but I have to go to the studio for it. So if you decide to go walking around again or something. Text me." He says handing me a paper with his number on it. He gets up and walks out of the house. I put his number in my phone. I look at the clock. 6:51 pm. I get in my pajamas, grab a huge blanket, turn off all the lights, and turn on the TV. I watch TV until I fall asleep.

[ Josh ]

I come home and all of the lights are off. I walk in and see the TV's on and Paisley asleep on the couch.I turn the volume down on the TV. She looks beautiful asleep. Ever since last night when I got to really talk with her and see what she's really like, I started to like her. I know she'll probably never truly like me back, regardless of the fact she's a fan. Maybe she even has a boyfriend, I don't know. She'll be gone soon anyway. I carefully pick her up in both of my arms and carry her back to her room. I gently lay her down and fix the blanket. I walk out and close the door and go to bed myself.

I Can't Help Falling In Love With You- Josh Dun LSKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat