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[ Josh ]

We all sit down after our huge, long greeting session. I sit on one side of the booth with Paisley, Ivan and Gail sit on the other side. I see Paisley is a little uneasy. I put my hand on her thigh and gently squeeze it before I take my hand away.

"So, Josh. Tell me about yourself." Ivan asked. I smile, I don't really enjoy talking about myself too much but I know I have to make a good impression.

"I'm in a band called Twenty one Pilots with my friend Tyler. It's just us two. I play drums, He sings and plays piano."

"And you're from around here in Ohio?" He questioned smirking.

"Born and raised." I say proudly.

"Good man." Ivan smiles. I smile and nod. I glance at Paisley. I can tell she's trying, but I assume it's hard to see her mom with another man.

"How often do you leave? Like for tours and stuff?" Gail interrogates. I see Paisley's smile die.

"We like to tour and connect with the fans a lot, so as much as we can while still having some time at home, you know." I tip toe around trying to not give a wrong answer. She nods and shrugs me off. We order our food with in a few minutes.

"What's with this little... uh." Gail rubs her lip where Paisley's lip piercing is.

"I got it a year ago. I liked it, so I got it." She reply. The conversation goes on. Ivan and I hit it off, I tip toe around Gail, and Paisley hardly talks. We get out food and for a while, nobody talks. I eat just enough to fill me up, but nothing more. Paisley pushes her food around her plate. I steel some food off of her plate and eat it in her face. She giggles.

"So, if you don't mind me asking, how long have you two been together?" Ivan asked chipper and lively.

"We dated for a month or so, took a brake for a month and a half, then got back together. So I guess all together like, four months now. Maybe four and a half?" Paisley says doing mental math. I nod, agreeing that what she said seemed like the right timeline of our relationship.

"And you two are moving in together?" Gail asked. I nod smiling at Paisley and kissing her temple. "Why don't don't you come back and live with us for a little bit." Gail says with the most emotion in her voice. I look at Paisley.

"Why? I'm already moving in with Josh, in fact after we get done here we're going to go move my stuff."

"I just, don't know how long this is going to last. Maybe a long distance relationship would be good for you two. Or maybe end it now."

"You're kidding right?" Paisley questioned leaning foreword. I put my arm in front of her chest to push her back and hold her.

"Look with his band, your desk job, him being gone all the time and you having already broken up once. Maybe just..."

"I know. I know you've hated every boyfriend I've ever had, witch thanks to you wasn't that many, but just this once be supportive. IVAN! Help me out here!" She yells. Ivan holds up his hands, surrendering. "I love Josh. More then anyone. He's the best damn thing that's happened to me in a long time. If you don't like that, then go and please don't try to contact me." Paisley stands up and walks out. I follow her. Gail runs to catch up. "What?" Paisley asked stopping and turning around.

"I'm sorry, okay!" She yells. I look around feeling awkward that we're causing a scene in a nice restaurant. "I'm sorry I was judgmental, I'm sorry I'm so rude. I don't want to lose you again. Look, I know it's a horrible excuse but That's my personality. I'm bitter, judgmental, and close minded. You are the complete opposite so of course we fight. Please just, don't hate me again. You're my daughter." Gail pleads. I look at Paisley.

"Okay. But please, try to filter what you say. I don't give a damn what you think, just don't say it out loud." Gail nods lovingly and hugs Paisley. Paisley and I leave and go back home without another word spoken about that.

I Can't Help Falling In Love With You- Josh Dun LSWhere stories live. Discover now