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[ Paisley ]

I look around my... Josh's guest room to see if I missed anything. Nope. I stayed up all last night packing, Josh helped a little before he knocked out for the night. I hear Josh come in, so I turn around and look at him. I shrug. He grabs my hands and pulls me towards him into a hug. I'm just tall enough that my chin rests on his shoulder. I don't want to brake this hug. It feels warm and  inviting. 

"Ready?" Josh asked not pulling away from the hug ether.

"No" I pause and let go. "yeah." I don't want to go, but I don't want to over stay my welcome. He was nice enough to let me stay this long. I wish he would just tell me if he likes me or not before I leave. That way I'll at least know before probably never see him again. I carry my one bag to Josh's car and he drives me over there. I see the movers moving everything in. I bought some new furniture and had them bring over some old things from my house. We start to get out of the car and walk to my apartment. 

Boxes piled up in the living room. I open a box and see the sick lamp I bought. For some reason what Jenna said pops into my mind. Something about how 'I did something to make him fall hard, fast.' I look over at him. He's in the kitchen checking it out. The movers bring in the last box and drive away. Josh struts over to me walking funny. I laugh. He puts one arm around me and pulls me into a violent hug. Like a big brother would give to his annoying little sister. He shakes me back and forth, pushing me into his chest. 

"This place is awesome." I can't see him, but I can hear the smile on his face from the tone of his voice. He lets go. "Hey... weren't you gonna tell me what your tattoo meant?" He asked. Crap, I forgot about that. 

"Sure. Sit down. It's story time." We sit on the carpet of the living room because I have no furniture out yet. This story is going to be embarrassing.

"Tell me, tell me, tell me!" He begged. 

"Okay. This girl who I never knew at school come over to me and said she had tickets to see this band. She said she had asked everyone else and nobody could or wanted to go. So because I loved any concert and wanted to get to know her I went. It was a twenty one pilots concert. It was in 2012. So, you were there. When I heard your songs, I was hooked and loved you guys even since. I was going through a hard time and I was... lets just say fighting so rough deamons. So, I got the tattoo well one because of the whole skeleton thing, and two, because it reminds me never to listen to the demons in my head." I conclude. 

"Wow." He pauses. Shocked, I guess. "You've been a fan for a long time." I nod awkwardly. "That's sick. I'm happy I was there to help you." I smile and nod. Looks around at all the boxes. "You want any help unpacking?" 

"Nah. I was gonna go to work in an hour. I'll just do it tonight and tomorrow. You can come over tomorrow to help if you want." 

"I'll be here." Josh get's up and I get up to. He turns around to hug me good bye. "Hey, and if you need anything. Anything at all, you got my number." 

"Will do." He walks to his car and I close the door and plop on the carpet. Will do? I said will do? That's so stupid, why did I say that?

-Next Day-

I get up bright and early... well, it feels early. I get dressed  in the lazyist outfit ever. I blast music. First song, Fall Out Boy - Uma Thurman.  I start moving boxes to the rooms that they need to be in. I unpack one room at a time. I start with the bathroom because there's not much to do. I hear someone's footsteps behind me. I turn around and see Josh dancing like an idiot. I wipe the sweat from my forehead and laugh. I playfully hit his arm and wave for him to help. He puts the towels in the closet. I put away all my makeup, hair things. We move to the living room and move the couch all around until we find a spot that it looks good. twenty one pilots - Guns For Hands comes on and Josh starts drumming all around the apartment on things. 

"I'm trying, I'm trying to sleep, I'm trying, I'm trying to sleep, But I can't, but I can't when you all have, DUNS FOR HANDS, Yeah." I sing. He starts laughing. The song ends and so does my playlist. We chill on the couch for a while. Some how we end up playing a leg wrestling thing.

"Hey" Josh says in a strained voice trying to pin my leg down. I'm putting up a fight. "do you wanna go out-"

"WHAT?!" I ask so excited I let my leg go limp and letting Josh pin it down (very hard) to the ground.

"Are you okay?" concern filling his voice and face. 

"Uh, yeah. What were you saying before?" 

"Do you wanna go out, to eat?" He asked. I don't know weather he was asking me out for real but then changed what he was going to say because of how I reacted, or was really wanting food. Ether way, he's never going to ask me out for anything, ever again.

"Yeah. Sure." I say with more sadness and disappointment in my voice then I intended there to be.

I Can't Help Falling In Love With You- Josh Dun LSWhere stories live. Discover now