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[ Josh ]

I spin my sticks I my hand and try to stop panting. I just recorded a long drum take and since I haven't done it in a while, it was really exhausting. I listen to the take and nod my head in approve. Everyone else likes it too, so we keep it in. Tyler comes over and sit's by me. We have a couple minute brake while our sound guy takes a call.

"How's Paisley holding up?" He asked. I shrug.

"Her mom's flying out for the trial. You're still coming, right?" I asked. Tyler nods wide eyed.

"Definitely. Jenna and I will be there. Wouldn't miss it." I nods smiling.

"Thank you." He nods. "Strange question." I pause and look at Tyler. He waiting for me to asked. I nod and take a deep breath in. "How long before you knew you wanted to marry Jenna?" I asked staring off at something. I'm thinking to hard I can't even think of what I'm looking at. So much going on in my mind to focus on other pointless things.

"I don't know. I loved her ever since I met her, but I guess after a while, everything was still going smooth and we still loved each other despite everything we'd be through. You know, we needed each other. We couldn't not be together. Why?" He asked after his answer.

"I think I want to marry Paisley." I look at Tyler. His face is a mix of emotions. He just starts laughing like I'm joking. "I'm serious, man. I love her." I laugh a little at his laugh.

"I know you do. You never shut up about her. But you just got back together, the trial is soon. Hold off for a while. In the mean time, plan it out. Make a plan A, B, and C. Buy the ring stuff like that. It's a lot of work and really scary. The more preparation, the easier it is." I nod.

"Tyler, You're up. Can you sing that line again, but do it about an octave higher." Tyler jumps up and goes into the recording booth.

I go to Paisley's house. I knock on the door and she answers pulling me in. She throws me onto the couch. I see at least seven different outfits laying on the floor.

"I am freaking out, Josh. Help. What should I wear tomorrow for the trial?" She asked motioning to the floor with clothes laid out. I shrug and point to the black dress. "You like the black dress?" I nod. She steps back and looks also. I put my hand in her hand and tug on it a little, she sits down next to me.

"How are you feeling?" She starts biting her nails. I take my hand and hold her other hand so she can't bite ether hand. "Can you tell?" She asked. I nod. "It's... I have to see him tomorrow. I have to see my mom again tomorrow. I just wish this could be simpler then a huge trial. You know?" She asked. I nod. I don't know, but it felt right to nod. "Look, I should just go to bed. I'm to stressed." She stands up and walks away, but I hold her hand still. I walk with her. "Josh please." She stops and looks at me laughing. I pull her into a hug and rub her back all over. I kiss her neck up and down.

"I love you, Paisley." She pushes me away. I instantly regret all of this.

"Look. I know you want to do it, but I love you too much. Parker changed how I fee about... it. Let's just wait a bit. I want it to be special. "

"Yeah, of course. I understand. I'm sorry."

"No need to apologize. I love you, Josh." She cooed kissing me. I kiss her back. She pulls away and smiles playing with her lip ring.

"I'll see you tomorrow. Get some sleep." I say walking out the door. I close the door and walk to my car. I sigh, and drive home.

[ Paisley ]

"Are you ready?" Josh asked holding my hand. I nod biting my lip. I start shaking my head no. "First, we're just going to talk to Jerry. Nothing to scary. The session isn't for an hour. Okay?" I nod. Josh get's out of the car and rushes over to open my door. I still don't get out. My eyes glues to the court building. Josh kisses my head and helps me out of the car. We walk hand in hand to the door. Josh opens it for me, but I refuse to walk in first. Jerry rushes over to us and hugs us both.

"Hi Paisley. Hi, Josh. Look we have half an hour to prep for the last time. Then your mother is going to come in. Is that okay?" He asked me. I take a deep breath in and nod letting it out. He nods. "Good. Shall we get started?" He asked I nod following him to our spot in the court room. We have one side, Parker and is attorney have the other side. Jerry spreads paper's and files all over the table. "What's going to happen is the judge with announce the session is starting. I will call you up to give your side, I will step in and say why we're saying this. Parker will give his side. Josh with go up, Parker's attorney will argue, then your mom will go up, and continue until the judge calls it over and the jury comes to a decision. We'll win for sure, don't you two worry."

"How ya feeling?" Josh asked. I shrug.

"Oh and one more thing, to both of you. Don't be afraid to let it out. Paisley, I know you're very brave but all that built up emotion you can let it out here. It's okay to." I nod. My eyes catch where Parker will be in less then half an hour. I stair at the chairs. He's going to be here. "Are you ready to see you're mom. She said she's on her way in." I look at Josh wide eyed. Tears welling up in my eyes.

"Paisley. Listen to me. I am not going to leave your side for one step of this. I will be here 100 percent of the time. You will be okay." I nods feeling a bit more calm. I hear the doors open, but I don't look back.

I Can't Help Falling In Love With You- Josh Dun LSWhere stories live. Discover now