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  [ Paisley ]

"Welcome to Ohio." The sturdiness says over the intercom. Everybody unbuckles and jumps up, clawing, pushing, and shoving to get out. As much as I hate being stuck on a freaking flying mettle thing for hours, I'm not that anxious to get off, so I let everyone else off first. When it finally comes to my turn I open up my over head compartment and grab my bag. It's a little too high for me, so someone behind me gets it down for me. I turn around to see a tall man in his early thirties smiling and holding my backpack.

"Thank you." I laugh as I take my bag. He smiles even wider, and his cheeks wrinkle from his grin.

"Don't mention it." His eyes are glued to mine, so I turn away and rush off the plane. The caption tires to thank me for being on the flight, but I'm too quick to hear it. I slow down once I get to the gate I once entered in. I take a deep breath and stand walking to baggage claim. A girl in a twenty one pilots shirt runs up to me and pumles me in a hug. I almost fall over, but the huger girl keeps me grounded.

"PAISLEY! I JUST HEARD! I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M MEETING YOU! CONGRATULATIONS!" She yells at the top of her lungs. The tall man from the plane walks past me and shoots me a look, as if asking if I was okay. I nod and shake it off, as I try to shake her off. He looks at me funny and points to her. I shrug and pry her off.

"Do you, want a picture?" I question. I feel like I'm trying to figure out what A crying baby wants. I just want it to shut up, but there's now way they can tell you. I love fans; but I'm tired, hungry, exhausted, and a little embarrassed.

"Yes!" She pulls out her phone. I take the picture, and she asks to be on my left side, so when I put my arm around her, the ring will show. I take the quick picture and she leaves. The plane guy comes over to me.

"You're famous?" He asked as I start walking to baggage claim. He follows closely behind. He catches up and flashes that smile at me again. "Are you?" He pushes.

"As of recently, yeah. Kinda." I laugh. "My boy... fiencee is. And we just announced we're engaged so. I'm famous by association." He nods. I keep walking, but realize we were on the same flight, so we have the same baggage claim. I slow down a bit, knowing I can't escape him. I'm not social, and if he's trying to hit on me, I'm kind of not interested.

"Oh. Nice. What does he do?" He questions.

"Uh. He's in a band. The drummer." I keep my eyes fixated in front of me.

"What band?"

"Twenty One Pilots. I don't know if you've ever heard of them. They're music's pretty..." I trail off.

"I think I have. That's the. She's the tear in my heart... something something. she's the tear in my heart, something something." He sings. I giggle a little.

"Yeah, that's them." We arrive at baggage claim and stand waiting for the bags to start coming. He just so happens to stand with me.

"So, what's your name?" He asked.

"Uh. I'm Paisley. My finances name is Josh." I bring it back to Josh, hoping to get him to leave. I understand at this point he's being polite and not trying to hit on me, but still, maybe he'll get the hint. I don't know! I'm stuck here.

"I'm Dan." He says. I smile at him. End of conversation, please be end of conversation! It stays silent for a solid minute.

"How long are you going to be in town?" He questions, breaking the beautiful silence I once held so dear. Then he just rip my beautiful quiet time away from me. Damn i'm tired...

"I'm actually home. I just came back from somewhere. So." He nods.

"I'm just visiting family. My parents decided to retire here. So I'm visiting for the week." I nod. The bags start coming down the shoot and mine -thank god- is the first. I grab it and leave. I call Jenna to pick me and get the hell out of doge.   

I Can't Help Falling In Love With You- Josh Dun LSWhere stories live. Discover now