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[ Paisley ]

She comes over to the table and sit's down at the empty chair Jerry set out for her. A man comes and grabs a second chair and sits down by her. I give a confused look. He looks strange. I don't know him, I've never met him.

"Hello, Paisley." She says in a loving familiar voice.

"Hi. Long time no see." I spit out. She nods.

"Who is this?" She asked holding her hand out to Josh. Josh shakes it and smiles.

"This is my boyfriend, Josh. The better question is who are you?" I asked doing the same to mom's guy.

"Aren't we here for one of your boyfriends? Don't you think you're working a little to fast?" She asked. My eye twitches.

"You're avoiding my question." I bark at her.

"This is my husband, Ivan. We've been married for two and a half years." Ivan smiles at me. I smile at him as polite as I can be. She got married and didn't even bother to tell me?

"Jerry." I say letting him take over. "Family reunion's over." I announce. He nods and explains to mom what's going to happen. The jury slowly pile in, same with the audience. Mom and Ivan go sit in the audience. I see Jenna and Tyler walk in. I wave. I'm to scatter brained to go and talk to them.

"I'm sorry Josh, you're going to have to sit back with the observers. We'll call you up when it's time."

"Wait. He can't!" I interject.

"It's the rules. I'm sorry. Honestly, if there was any way I could, I would. I love you guys; but I can't have him here." Josh nods and kisses me before standing up and leaving me alone.

"Psssst!" I hear from behind me. I turn around and see Josh sitting by Jenna and Tyler. They all wave. I smile and wave back. Parker walks in with hand cuffs on and a orange jumpsuit on. A security guard uncuffs him. I tense up a bit. Jerry leans over.

"He's pleading not guilty, so he can't hurt you or say anything bad about you. He's trying to make himself look innocent, so there is no way he will do anything to you with the judge, jury and witnesses in the room." He moves away smiling. I chuckle. The judge calls court in session. My stomach drops. Jerry get's up explains something. I can't hear, I'm not listing. I hear my name and look up. "Paisley McKinney, please stand, raise your right hand, left placed on here." I repeat after the judge swearing that I will tell the truth. I walk up to the little chair podium and sit down. Jerry walks around asking me questions. My focus. Josh.

"I knew him in high school, and we started dating. After I became shy, introverted, and insecure because of him. He was abusive from day one; but it started with little things. I called the cops on him a few times. Never pressed charges or anything, I was too scared. One day he went too far and hit me until I was unconscious, When I was fully awake, I called the cops. Fled the state before anyone could do anything. That's when I moved to Ohio because it was so close to home, but far enough to where no on would look."

"And what did he do you you just recently?" Jerry asked. I start shaking.

"He uh... Um.. H-he." I start crying. It's ugly crying. I look up at Josh and I just barley see him though the water in my eyes. He looks pained. I need to continue, but the memories hurt. "He forced me to get drunk to the point of unconsciousness, and h-he raped me. Played mine games with me when I woke up so I would leave my boyfriend at the time and be with him again. Then later when I broke up with him he physically abused be by slapping me until I bled." I choke out.

"Thank you, Paisley." Jerry sits down. Parker's lawyer stands up and walks over to me.

"Is it true miss McKinney that you stayed with him when you had the option to leave. And is it ALSO true, that you provoked my client to take action. "

"WHAT?! No! I never provoked him to do anything. Sure I raised my voice, but he was saying uncalled for things. And... yes I did stay with him, but I knew the situation would not be good if I left him any sooner. HE MANIPULATED ME! I was emotionally scarred by that man, I was to scared to leave him." I start crying and screaming at him. His lawyer walks back to his table. Jerry comes and grabs me. I don't take my hands off of my eyes. He leads me back to the table and I sit down.

"You did great kid! I know it sucks, it sucks ass. But because of that, you are doing to put that dick wear he belongs." I nod. I don't know how much longer I can do this. Jerry get's up.

"I'd like to call Gail Conway to the stand. I watch her walks past me and go up to the stand. "You are Paisley's mother." She nods in confirmation. "Is it true you never had a problem with Parker?"

"Yeah. He was fine." I give her an evil stair. She saw me unconscious on the ground!

"OBJECTION!" Jerry stands up and shouts. I giggle a little. I never thought people actually did that.

"On what grounds? What is your reason?" Parker's attorney argues.

"She's lying. Parker knocked Paisley unconscious; he left her there and her mother, Mrs. Gail Conway, saw her and did nothing to help. She new how abusive Parker was."

"Is this true Mrs. Conway?" The judge asked. She pauses but ends up nodding. "Miss. McKinney?" I nod also. "Court dismissed while the jury debilitates. The jury walks out into a room. I get up and run back to Josh. I don't know what to do.

I Can't Help Falling In Love With You- Josh Dun LSWhere stories live. Discover now