368 11 4

  [ Josh ]

-Last chapter-

My eyes flutter open and my lungs fill with air. I rub the sleep out of my eye as I push myself up. I look next to me and see an empty bed. I sigh as I let myself flop back on the bed. I have no clue where Paisley went. I reach over to my night stand and grab my phone from my changer. 1pm. Oh, right. Paisley has a normal person job. I push myself out of bed and lug my jet leg body to the bathroom. I take a quick shower and throw on a tee shirt and pants as I rush out the door. Speeding through town I get to the vets within 10 minutes. I jot next door and grab to coffee's before I head over to see Paisley.

I open the door and the little bell rings. Paisley holds her hand up, signaling for the person -I.E, me- to wait while she finishes her phone conversation. She hangs up the phone and turns around. Her smiles grows when she see's me. I smile.

"Excuse me, would you happen to know where I could find my beautiful fiancee? I'd like to give her this oh so amazing cup of coffee. She's about yay high, white hair." Paisley laughs. I hand her the coffee and sip my own. She comes around the front desk and hugs me.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you I left." She lets go of me and takes her coffee in hand."I kinda figured you needed to catch up on some sleep, so I just left you alone." She chuckles. "What time did you get up?" She takes a sip of her coffee.

"One." Her eyes get big as she still sips her coffee. "Tour got me all messed up." She nods.

"I get off in half an hour. Maybe, you can head down to the shelter and look at some cat's. I'll be there around, say, 3?" She says. I smiles and kiss her.

"Puma Thurman and I will be waiting." I laugh as I walk out the door and drive to the shelter. I sign a few papers and get a little tour around. Then, the cat room. A little glimpse at what haven must be like. Cats, kittens, and more cats! I check out a few of the bigger cats, but decide the kittens are cuter. I take a look at some of the hurt ones in cages. One is missing an eye, one is missing an ear, and sadly one is on and off with some disease. As much as they're cute and in need of a home, I don't think we could take care of it properly. I hear three female voices coming from the hallway. They sound excited. I investigate by peaking my head out of the room.

"So she'll live?" One of the volunteers asked. The on staff vet nods petting a . Paisley comes in spots me. She rushes over to me and follows where my eyes are glued.

"Did you find any one you liked?" Paisley asked, looking back at the cat play room. I completely ignore Paisley and gravitate towards the volunteer with the kitten.

"Hi, I overheard a little. What exactly happened to the poor little thing?" I asked. I feel Paisley come up behind me.

"You can hold her if you like." The volunteer hands me the small kitten as she talks. "We got her in a month ago. Poor thing was in born into an abusive home. Owners hardly took care of the mom let alone babies. The mom died, and so this little guy ran away. I guess she was from Indiana. And then a family picked her up and brought her here."

"I'm from Indiana." Paisley laughs a little. "What happened to her?" I hand Paisley the cat so she can play a little.

"She is missing an eye and she broke a leg. She was extremely malnourished and sick."

"I like her. What are we thinking? Puma Thurman, or Cat Winslet." I ask Paisley.

"Actually, as cute as those names are, the shelter gave her a nickname. It's Penny. You know, at first she was worth a penny with only one eye and being sickly. But, the little girl is a fighter." I look at Paisley and smile. Paisley takes a deep breath and nods. I nod too.

"We absolutely love Penny. We'd love to give her a new home." Paisley smiles with Penny in her arms. I fill out the paper work and Paisley does her part. We do keep the name Penny, but her full name will be Penny Puma-Thurman Dun. We take penny back to the car. I guess Paisley picked up some cat must haves from work. A little bed, littler box, food, treats, and a few toys. Paisley and I each drive our cars home, I get Penny. She chills in the passenger seat.

"You're gonna love it with us." I say in my baby voice. "Paisley's you're new mommy, and I'm your daddy. And we're going to be one small little family. You remind me a lot of Paisley. You know she's from Indiana too. One of her parents died, and she ran away from home. But with everything that's happened to her, she's still a fighter like you. But now you have us, and that's all you need. You'll be happy now." I take a right turn as easy as I can. I arrive in the driveway and pick up Penny. I carry her inside while paisley carried in the box of cat things.

"Maybe put the liter box in the bathroom." Paisley suggest. I nod agreeing with her. She puts the litter box in the bathroom as I introduce Penny to the new toys. Paisley comes out and sit's down next to us. "Welcome home, Penny." Paisley whispers. I hand paisley the toy so she can play with Penny.


After a long day of furry fun with Penny we all cuddle up on the couch. Penny peed on the carpet a few time, but that was expected. But as we snuggle up n the couch, I look down and see Paisley resting on my chest, and Penny on Paisley's lap. My two girls, Paisley and Penny. I tweet out a picture of just that. Paisley looking up at me and holding Penny by the armpits.

'@ joshuadun: My girls. @McP-ley and the newest Dun, Penny."

Me and the baes chill on the couch until bed time. Our little family. And that's just the way I like it.

That is it! That is the end. I'm sorry to cut it off so abruptly, but I felt it was a good places to end it. Adorable ending are always the best. I hope you enjoyed the story. I had a lot of fun writing it. If you wanna check out my other stories go for it, right now I do not have another Twenty one Pilots story, but keep an eye out in the future for one. 

I Can't Help Falling In Love With You- Josh Dun LSWhere stories live. Discover now