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  [ Paisley ]

Jenna apparently stayed a bit longer, so she's is flying home with the guys today. I clean the house for around an hour; but I take a step back and it doesn't look as good as I was hoping. I just want Josh to come home and relax in a clean house. I realizes I'm breathing pretty heavy from running around for an straight hour. I pause and take a brake, or just give up and except my house will never look like the ones in the Ikea magazines. I look at my phone and see a text from Josh. He sent it half an hour ago.

'2 hours.' ~ Josh
'1 1/2 hours' ~ Paisley
'1 hour and 29 minutes.' ~ Josh
'1 hour and 28 minutes is so long!' ~ Paisley
'Still have your ring on?' ~ Josh
'Haven't taken it off. Why?' ~ Paisley
'Because 1 hour and 27 minutes :) ' ~ Josh
'You're suck a dork. That's really cute. I have to get ready. See you in 1 hour and 26 minutes.' ~ Paisley
'I love you.' ~ Josh
'Love you too.' ~ Paisley


Windows down. Lane boy blasting in my car. I take a right and pick a parking space. I turn the music down, then turn off the car. I hop out of my car and rush into baggage claim. I pace anxiously waiting to see the cute red head and the small brunette with the blond. Three minutes go by before I see them emerge from the top of the stair cases. I zoom past people,m bumping them on the way up to Josh. Before he even makes it to the last step I'm in his arms. He kisses my ear, then tightens his grip on me.

"I missed you so freakin' much." I laugh. He pulls me away and kisses me. I take a step back and let him walk down the stairs. We get to baggage area and stand with Jenna and Tyler. They hold hands as we Josh and I hold hands. To make it more hilarious, the boys hold each others hands. Jenna smacks Josh's hand and pulls Tyler to her other side. Josh jokingly gaps and grabs the hand Jenna smacked. The bags come flying down and around. Tyler get's his first, then Josh, then Jenna. I walk them back to the car, Josh's arm around my back, my arm around his back. Once they're all in the car, I roll up the windows and start to drive to Tyler and Jenna's. We drop them off, help them with there bags, then head off back to our home to chill for the night. Josh plops his bag on the bed, then joins me on the couch.

As much as I missed him and he missed me, we don't snuggle on the couch. He's been cramped into a bus with around 10 people, he needs his spaces. Just being around each other is awesome enough.

"Hey, so when you were gone the bathroom light completely broke so I replaced it. If it looks different that's why." I inform him as we watch The Walk Dead.

"Oh, did the light bulb burn out?" He asked, eyes stuck on the TV.

"Nah, the whole like, socket like. Broke." I say not understanding hardware stuff, but trying to explain it. He nods.

"Oh, and uh. That reminds me. We need a new fridge light. That ones burning out." Josh reminds me. It cuts to commercial, so I mute the TV.

"I noticed that. We'll order the right bulb tomorrow online. I tried looking at home depot but I couldn't find it." Josh nods. Our boring conversations about absolutely nothing are the best. I push myself off the couch and plop the remote on Josh's belly. I kiss his head. "Welcome home." I head to our room to change into my PJ's, then I go pee really quick. When I walk our of the hall way and back into the living room, I see Josh passes out on the couch. His face resting on his fist. Cheeks all smooshed from his fist. His eyes closed, mouth open slightly. He's so pooped from tour. Poor lill' baby so tired from a busy boy couple of months. I gently shake his shoulder and kiss his cheek. His eyes flutter open and land on me. He stretches and smiles.

"What time is it?" He asked, yawning.

"It's bed time. It's 1. Come on let's get you to bed." He sticks his hands out. I stand on his feet and pull him up off the couch. We walk back into the bedroom and I plop on the bed. Josh goes into the bathroom to brush his teeth.

"But for real though, can we get a cat tomorrow?" He asked, as he scrubs his teeth with his tooth brush. I chuckle a little.

"What did I say? Only if we name it one of the punny cat names. I dig Puma Thurman, but that's just me." I suggest. Josh head back into the bathroom, he comes back out a second later mouth clean. He belly flops on the bed.

"Puma Thurman is a very punny name. I like it." He smiles. He crawls over to his side and gets under the blanket. I turn off the light and we snuggle together as we drift off to sleep at around 2:20pm. This is the life.    

I Can't Help Falling In Love With You- Josh Dun LSWhere stories live. Discover now