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I wake up to crusty eyes from tears and feeling depressed, but I don't remember why. I pull myself out of bed and crawl my way over to the bathroom. I shower, brush my teeth, blow dry my hair, and get dressed. I put little to no make up on, I had to wipe of a crap tone from yesterday, so I'm not in the mood to reapply. I make a pot of coffee and fill up a huge mug. I take a few sips as I'm walking out to the car. I hall my butt to work and plop down at the desk. Dr. Greg comes over to me.

"Morning, Paisley."

"Morning, Greg." I chirp up a bit, because it's my boss, but there's only so much happy I can have this morning.

"Can I have Maggie and Cookies chart?" He asked. I nod, yawn, and mope to the chart wall and grab the bunnies chart and hand it to Greg. "You okay?"

"My boyfriend left for, business. I'm just a little down. I'm sure I'll be better after my coffee." I hold up my mug. He chuckles.

"Alright. We'll Cookies scheduled to be in any time now, just send them back to room five."

"What's the appointment for?"

"Poor things being put down. The cancer grew to her other paw." Dr. Greg takes a deep breath and holds the chart close to his chest. He loves animals and would do anything for his patients, that's why I love this office so much. Dr. Greg walks back into room five. Great, another thing to make my day worse. First appointment is a dead bunny. The door bell dings as someone walks in. They rush over to the desk.

"Paisley, Debby told me. I'm so sorry. I told her a little about you, but I never though..." She stops. I look up and see Jenna.

"What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to apologize for last night. Josh is an amazing guy. There's nothing to worry about. Josh broke up with Debby, she's just a little heart broken." Jenna tried to defend. The door bell dings again and the seven year old Maggie and her bunny Cookie walk in. Her mom checks her.

"Jenna, please. Give me a second." I ask, very stern. Maggie is holding a box with little messages written on it. A big R.I.P on the top of the box. "Dr. Greg is in room five waiting for you. You can head down where ever you're ready." I say as comforting as I can. She nods and brings her daughter to the back. I turn back to Jenna. "What did you say to Debby?"

"She asked how Josh was. I said he was head out for tour earlier that day. She asked if I had any plans the next day, and I said 'Paisley and I are going to see a movie.' She asked who, and not thinking. I just stared explaining, 'it's Josh's new girlfriend, I just helped them move in together' blah, blah, blah. I never though she would show up at your house."

"It's fine. Half of it was really nice. She told me she didn't hate me, which was reassuring. But she gave me her number in case 'any problems with Josh and I come up.' Do you know what she meant by that?"

"No. Again, she's just a little mad at Josh for braking up. You and Josh are solid. Trust me." She pleads.

"How do I know?!" I yell a little panicked. My mind has been racing all day about it. "Huh? How do I know if Debby's wrong? What if she isn't! What if Josh and I just aren't meant to be?"

"Because Josh wants to propose!" Jenna yells waving her hands around. I'm taken back. I stop breathing and my mouth drops to the floor. Jenna's eyes get wide. "I.. I wasn't supposed to say that. You didn't hear that."

"No, Jenna. I did. What do you mean? When?"

"Josh was talking to Tyler about it. Tyler told Josh to wait it out a bit until after the trial."

"This was before the trial?!"

"I really wasn't supposed to say anything! I've already told you all I know. I don't know when. Josh doesn't even have a ring yet. Please, don't tell Tyler or Josh, or Debby, your Mom. ANYONE!" She begs.

"Yeah... yeah. No, I promise I won't tell anyone." I mumble. She nods.

"I should go. Thank you for understanding. And, don't worry anymore about you and Josh." I nod as she walks out. Maggie comes back out, with her box sealed shut. I watch her walk out and back into their car. They drive off. I'm done with today.

I get off work and drive straight home. I cook up spaghetti and eat it in bed, watching TV. My phone pings with a twitter notification from Josh. It was a picture of their show tonight. It looks amazing. As long as I'm on twitter, I look at Debby's twitter. It's, a picture from the Twenty One Pilots concert. I look at The Never Ending's twitter and see they had a day off today. I go back to Debby's and see there's a picture of her and Josh together. I completely shut my phone off and put it under my bed so I can't get to it. I turn off the lights and go to bed.

I Can't Help Falling In Love With You- Josh Dun LSWhere stories live. Discover now