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[ Paisley ]

Josh has his arm around me tight. No one says anything. Jenna and Tyler are holding hands and anxiously waiting. As am I. Josh kisses the top of my head and squeezes me tighter for a split second before going back to a warm loving hug.

"What if he just get's parole? Or if he get's like, 5 years with bail?" I whisper starting to cry.

"Paisley, stop. You and Jerry made a good case. I know everyone is on your side." He tries to comfort me. I can hear his voice shaking. I take a deep breath in and nod. The jury comes out.

"I don't want to get up." I whisper. Josh stands up and walks with me over to the desk with Jerry. He kisses the top of my head and turns to walk away.

"You can stay for this, Josh." Jerry smiles. Josh thanks him and pulls a chair up. They were only in there for about seven minutes. Is that good, or not? A man in the front row of the jury stands up reading off of his paper.

"The jury has come to a unanimous decision, that the defendant Parker is guilty of all charges." A sigh of relief sweeps over me. Josh kisses me. I smile and pull away, waiting to hear the sentience. I feel like all the weight of the world is lifted off of my shoulders.

"Fifteen years in prison. Bail, $25,000 with parole." The judge says then hits his desk and walks out. The cops hand cuff Parker and they walk him out. I don't know how to react. So I don't. I stare at Josh hoping for some sort of reaction from him. Jerry stands up, so I do. Josh stands up and we all hug.

"He's gone. He's out. I didn't even think we'd get that reaction from the judge and jury. Fifteen years, Paisley. He'll forget about you by the time he's out!" Jerry exclaims still hugging. I pull away and finally relax for the first time in almost a month. Jenna and Tyler come over to us. We all hug.

"Let's get out of here. This place gives me the creeps." I say. We all go out to dinner. Tyler, Jenna, Jerry, Josh and I. We have a great time. I feel a little bad we're celebrating someone going to prison, but he deserved it. When the dinner ends, Tyler and Jenna go home, Jerry goes home; and I go back to Josh's house. We snuggle up in his bed together. I feel his warm arms wrap around me. He kisses my neck once.

"I love you, Paisley." I go to say 'I love you, too.' but I don't He keeps talking. "I really, really love you. And I want to spend more time together before I go off on tour again. How would you feel about moving in with me?" I sit up and look at him and smile. He sit's up too.

"Josh... this is, big. I love you, but-"

"No buts. I'm leaving on tour in a while and I love you; I just want to wake up everyday with you by my side." He smiles all cute.

"Damn it, Josh!" I laugh. He smiles and kisses me. "I'd love to. I have tomorrow off. I'll start packing." I coo. He smiles and kisses my nose. My phone rings. I pick it up and put it to me ear. "Hello?" I asked to the unknown number.

"Hi, Paisley. Jerry gave me your number.-" I cut her off Gail! What a nice surprise. The wicked witch of mid west.

"He wouldn't do that." I retort. She pauses.

"I saw it on the paper work. Anyways, I was hoping we could get together sometime this weekend while I'm still in town." She said hopeful.

"Sorry. I'm moving tomorrow and Sunday, the I have to get all the paper work done, and I also have a job I need to do. I can't. Just, go." I start getting a little angry. 'Who is it?' Josh mouths. "Mom." I cover the speaker and whisper. 'Go.' He mouths I shake my head. Josh nods.

"I'll pack for you. I want you to go." He says.

"Fine but you're coming with, okay see you tomorrow with Josh." I say extremely fast so he can't object.

"Great! See you two tomorrow at around noon? How about we go out to eat at the stake house?" She asked.

"That will be great. See you there." I hang up the phone and crawl towards Josh. I sit on his lap, wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him.

"I wanted you to go, to you know... bond." He says kissing me back. I pull away and look at him dead serious.

"I am going, but if I went alone I'd end up killing the woman. " I laugh a little after. He giggles and leans me back slowly and kisses me. We do the do. I wake up early. I look over and see Josh. I shake him awake. He smiles at me. I kiss him then roll out of bed.

"I should go get ready. I'll come back in like 20 minutes so we can drive over there together." He nods and props himself up on his right arm. He looks at me still sleepy. I get my jacket on and slip my shoes on.

"I can't wait till we live together." He says smiling all cute.

"I know. Just like old times, but better." I smile back. "See you soon." I walk out of him room and outside to his car. I drive his car to my place. Show, makeup, clothes and I'm gout the door. I go back over to Josh's and we leave together.

"You nervous?" He asked garbing my hand and holding it while still driving. I nod using my teeth to play with my lip ring. I gnaw at it for a while before it starts to hurt, so I stop and move to my fingers to play with. I rub my hands together, crack my knuckles, and twiddle my thumbs.

"I'm doing the right thing, right?" I asked. I watch Josh nods, looking at me for a split second before turning back to the rode.

"Ether way, I'm forcing you to go." He pulls up and parks the car. "Let's go." He kisses me, then get's out of the car. I open my door, put my hand in his, and walk in with him. I see Her sitting with Ivan. This should be good.

I Can't Help Falling In Love With You- Josh Dun LSWhere stories live. Discover now