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[ Josh ] 

- 3 Days later - 

"Hello?" Paisley answered her phone. We're out to dinner because there was no food in the house. "Yes." She pauses. "Really?" She asked smiling. "That's fantastic! Thank you." She pauses and listens. "I'll be there. Thank you." She hangs up. 

"Did you get it?" I asked. She nodded smiling. She starts squealing and clapping fast. I bust out laughing. She looks so happy, she looks like she might explode with joy.

"They told me to be there tomorrow at 10 am. I'm only going to be working part time, but that's fine. I don't want to work full time anyway. This is amazing."  She calms down a little bit.

"That's awesome. And to celebrate, desert." I say. She giggles. She so cute when she does. She chooses what she wants. The waiter comes over.

"Would you two like desert tonight?" He asked. I look at Paisley smiling and nodding. She smiles wide. 

 "Yeah, I'll have the chocolate cake. Please." She finally says. The waiter writes it down then walks to the kitchen. The waiter comes back out with a huge cake on a plate with two forks on it. Paisley looks at me laughing. "This is freaking huge!" She says poking it with the fork. She picks up the other for and extends the fork out to me. "Help me concur Mt. Cake?" She asked. I laughed and took the fork from her hand. 

"Lets get started." We dive in and scarf the cake down. After, I feel sick. But the cake was worth it.  The waiter comes and brings the bill and I take out my wallet. So does Paisley. 

"Oh, Josh. You don't have to pay. It's cool." She says taking out some money. 

"No. You just got you're job. Consider this a congratulations gift on the new job. " She puts the money away. 

"Okay. Thank you for everything, Josh. " 

"No problem." I  put the money in the bill book. "Ready?" I asked. She nods. We get up to leave the restaurant. 

(Sorry it was so short.)

I Can't Help Falling In Love With You- Josh Dun LSWhere stories live. Discover now