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[ Paisley ] 

He's only been away for a few days, 4 days to be exact, but I know his scheduled. I was paranoid, so I memorized it before he left. Right now he's just getting back to the bus and heading out to another state. I'm pretty sure he's in New Hampshire tomorrow. I'm snuggled up agents Parker while he snores. I haven't slept a restful night since Parker and I got back together, but he's sleeps like a dead person. I lie awake and just think every night. I guess it's good, it's given me time to think about a lot of things. Over time because of the lack of sleep, my judgement is becoming impaired by the constant need for rest, but without Josh I can't find relaxation enough to sleep. I get up out of Parker's bed and walk into the kitchen. I grab my phone and call Josh. I have to brake up with him. It's not right to leave him wondering.  

"PAISLEY?!" He screamed right as he answered. His excitement kills me. 

"Yeah... I'm sorry Josh." I pause to hold in the tears. "But I'm braking up with you. Don't be sad or depressed or what ever, you deserve someone a lot better then me. I just hope you find her soon so you can get over me." 

"No. Paisley. I love you. What are you talking about? Please. Don't do this. What ever I did, what ever is going on, we can work though this. I know we can!" He pleads.

"I was afraid you'd say that. You're just saying that to stop me. I can't. It's already done. I'm a monster. You deserve someone better, trust me. Just forget about me. Good bye Josh." I hang up and go back to bed without a sound. 

[ Josh ]

"She just broke up with me!" I walk back into the lounge. Everyone turns to look at me. "She dumped me. She said I deserve someone better. But. I love her. I love her more then anyone, ever." I run my hands through my hair and bring them down to cover my eyes. I don't know what to do. It's only four days into the tour and I need to talk to her. 

"I'm so sorry, Josh." Mark says like the sorry will help get us back together. Everyone nods in agreement with him. It's nice of him to say, but it's not going to help anything. For what ever reason, Paisley doesn't love me anymore. 

"Bad break ups suck. I wish we could help in some way." Ben says shrugging. He plays with his shirt at the bottom of the seem, he does that sometimes. I feel like the world has just come crashing down and the only thing keeping me from thinking all of this is a dream is Be's finger twisting around his shirt hem. 

"I'm going to miss her birthday! It's the 8th... and." I cut myself off. It's no use. We're over, I wouldn't have been able to throw her a late birthday party anyway. "You know.. I'm not feeling well. I'm going to bed. " I get up and walks to the bunk area of the bus and plop down on my bed. I hear my phone ring. I left it out in by Tyler, Ben, and Mark. I don't feel like getting it. Tyler answers it. 

"Hey Babe!" He pauses. It's Jenna calling to say Paisley didn't come home. "Yeah.. she uh. She just called Josh." He pauses. "She broke up with him." He whispers. "Yeah.... I know. I wish I could talk to her. Knock some sense into her. Oh. Okay. Definitely, I will. Thanks. Love you too. Bye." He hangs up. I put a pillow over my head to block out the noise and fall asleep. I doze in and out of sleep for the next few hours. I wake up and cry, then go back to sleep. Everyone is asleep, so I get up to go to the bathroom.

I'm a mess. Tear stained cheeks, puffy red eyes, my eyes look dead. No life in sight. What did I do? I look away from the mirror and just stand in the bathroom. I shake my head and go back to bed. There's nothing I can do. I don't even know where I am right now, there's no way I can stop the tour not even a week in to go talk to her. I lay down and think of Paisley. I think of everything I was going to do to make up me missing her birthday. I think of what our future would have looked like. It's all gone. I lost the love of my life.

(Sorry the chapter was so short. Long next time.) 

I Can't Help Falling In Love With You- Josh Dun LSWhere stories live. Discover now