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[ Paisley ]

​ I feel foggy and out of sorts so I take a walk. I walk for half an hour all over. The cool wind keeps me from sweating. It's around 10 now and I've ended up in town. I walk past store after store. I sit on a bench, people watch and think. I hear a loud crash and I jerk my head around to look form the sound. Therese a bar behind me and someone broke a bottle. I don't drink. I never have, never will. It just doesn't seem fun to me. I get up and start walking away from the bar.

"Paysssley?" Someone asks slurring there words. I turn around confused and see Parker. I tense up and freeze, unable to move. He walks over to me, I go to walk away but his hand digs into my shoulder and holds me in place. I turn around.

"Parker. You're drunk, leave me alone. Don't-"

"Make me call the popo. I know, you say dat, all, thuh tim." He slurs. His breath reeks of alcohol. "But you never do." He whispers in my ear playing with my hair. I step away. "One drink, One shot even and I'll let you go, furever."

"No. I have to go. You know I don't drink anyways."

"Oh yeah, wheres that boyfriend?" I start shaking. I swallow hard trying to come up with something to say. I just walk away. He runs after me and whips me around. He drags me into the bar. My ears hurt by the loud sound of the drunk men and women screaming at each other. "Whiskey, on rocks." Parker says to the bar tender. He makes the drink and gives it to Parker who passes it to me.

Back when we were dating, he made me do a lot of things I didn't want to do. Sometimes he was drunk, and he instilled so much fear in me, I did it anyway. I know what he's capable of doing if I don't do what he says. Even when he's drunk, if anything he's worse when he's drunk. I take a sip and it burns the back of my thought. It gives me heartburn. I want the taste out. But I know I have to do this. I'm not strong enough to just walk away. He broke me, and being around him makes me remember how much he broke me down.

"Take another drink." He demands. I feel like crying. My perfect kidney is now tarnished with a drink. It burns again. I start crying."Take another. It helps with the tears." I chug the whole things down.

"There. I had my one and only drink. Now let me go!" I demand. I'm shaking. I'm terrified of Parker. I need to get away from him.

"Not before you try my favorite."

"I'm.. I'm putting my foot d-down." I stutter. I hate standing up for myself. It's so scary. "I had my one. I'm done. Goodbye." I walk away, but with in a second or two, I feel him stop me and put a cup up to my mouth. He tilts me back and pours the drink into my mouth. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?" I ask as he's pouring the drink. I close my mouth, but some got into my mouth and went up my nose. I cough, almost choking from him doing that. I'm starting to fell tipsy now. I don't have a high tolerance. I don't like it. He brings me back and makes me drink a few more. A few other people buy me drinks and watch me drink it to. I black out.

I get this gnarly feeling in my stomach. I get up and run to the bathroom and barley make it to the toilet before I puke brown and green liquid all over. I rest my head on the toilet and wait for the next one. My head throbs with the pain of a hangover. I start shaking and feel my thought burn. I puke again. I puke a few more times and walk back to bed. I see a lump in my bed and I realize I'm not wearing underwear. I pull the blanket up and see, Parker. Naked. He's a sleep. I drop to the floor and start shaking again. I run to the bathroom and throw up. But I don't make it to the toilet. It's on my shirt. Not my shirt. Parker's shirt that I'm wearing. I look around, sick and in pain. I'm in Parker's house. The memories come flooding back.

I Can't Help Falling In Love With You- Josh Dun LSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora