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[ Paisley ] 

"Josh is leaving on tour soon, so it might just be me." I tell Olivia during our lunch hour. Today we're both working. It's been busy this morning.

"That's fine. All The better to keep you company while Josh is gone. So when is he leaving?" She asked taking a bit of her sandwich. 

"In 3 weeks. We've been doing stuff together almost every night." I remember all the movies we watched, meals we had, dates we've been on over the past 2 months. It only makes me love him more. I'm going to miss him so much, I going to be board out of my mind.

"That's so cute." The bells to the front door rings, signaling to us that someone entered. "I got it." Olivia gets up and goes over to the front desk. She signs the person in. "Sick turtle." 

"Hey. Is that, uh. Steven?" I asked. 


"I love Steven! He's the cutest turtle ever." I get excited. I've learned a lot of our regulars already. We finish up our lunch and get back to work. The door bell rings and a post man enters with a box. 

"Paisley McKinney." 

"That's me! Is this my shirt?" 

"I don't know, lady. I just deliver the packages. Sign here." I take the clip board and sign fast. I take the box and grab scissors. He walks out of the office and I rip open the box. 

"What is it?" Olivia asked me, watching closely. I slowly pull it out of the box. 

"I ordered this amazing shirt for the tour. There last show is here in Ohio and I might go to a few others. So I want to wear this." 

"That's adorable!" 

"I wanted to surprise him by wearing it over to his house tonight, you think I could leave early?" 

"It's slowing down, just go now. I can handle it. I called you in to work on your day off today anyways." 

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I hug her and run to the back room to change out of my uniform and get into the shirt and sweats. "Bye, love you, thanks again." I rush out the door and into my car. My new car that I bought two days ago. It's gray and small and I love her. Her name is Dorothy. I drive over to Josh's and walk in. "Hi ya." I call. 

"Hey! You're here early." Josh says coming around the corner. He pauses when he see's the shirt. He walks over and gives em a hug. He kisses the side of my head. "That's the best shirt ever!" He picks me up and spins me around. I bust out laughing. He carries me to the living room and plops me on the ground. He lays down next to me. Our laughter dies down. 

"I can't believe you're leaving in 3 weeks. It's not even three weeks!" I realize. 

"Two weeks, five days, and I think now it's 10 hours." Josh sighs. I roll around on the ground and Josh starts giggling. "What are doing?" 

"I don't want you to go. You're going to be gone over my birthday." I say stopping my rolling. He rolls on top of me and lays on me like a dog pile. "Uhhh, dude get off." I struggle to say because he's crushing my lungs.

"You want me gone now?" He asked laughing. 

"No, I just want you off!" My voice gets raspy and deep trying to talk with him crushing my stomach and chest. He gets off and kisses me.

"I know. I hate that I have to miss your birthday. You're how old? One-hundred and three this year right?" He asked playing with my hair. I roll my eyes and laugh. 

"You're such a good boyfriend." I say oozing sarcasm. "You know you're supposed to say I don't look a day over twenty. I'm turning twenty freaking five."  I stand up walk into the kitchen to get food. I look around in the pantry, fridge, freezer, and Josh has nothing. "Do you ever go shopping?" 

"Nope. Not really." He calls from his room. 

"I'm ordering Chinese!" I call back. I get on the phone and order some wontons, kung pao chicken, and some chow mein. It comes within 15 minutes. Josh and I pig out on the couch watching TV. After we finish our food, we play some x-box games. Josh won the fist few games, but I won the last. We chill and hang out for the rest of the night. Damn I'm going to miss him.

I Can't Help Falling In Love With You- Josh Dun LSWhere stories live. Discover now