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[ Paisley ]

Josh and I sit on his couch with the lights off snuggled together under two huge blankets. Our only light, the TV playing Forrest Gump. Josh burps loud, then looks at me laughing. I bust out laughing. I compose myself enough to talk.

"That was good, that was good. But get a lode of this." I pause to work one up. I burp three times as loud. I look at him for approve, but all I see is laughter. I giggle a little. We stop laughing and I lean agents his chest remembering today. I don't want to bring up a bad subject, but I know I have to. "Hey, so. I got a call from our lawyer."

"You already got one?" Josh asked.

"I got assigned one because I didn't want to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for one. Anyway. He said Parker's pleading not guilty. They want both of us to come in tomorrow and make some sort of plan for trial." I can't see Josh, but I can feel him thence up.

"Did he say when the trial will be?" Josh asked breathing heavy. I hesitate to answer.

"A month and a half." I whisper. I try to rush past it and keep talking. "They said Parker's going to be healed in jail until then. So, I'll be alright." I say trying to reassure both of us.

"Do you believe that? Or are you just saying it to calm me down?"

"I don't know." I hide in Josh's chest to scared to show even my face for some reason. I don't feel like crying, and I'm not crying. I'm just scared. He puts his arm around me and rubs my back.


"What?" I ask pulling my head out of his chest and looking at him.

"There's this girl, who I met I think five months ago. She's the bravest person I know but you'd never expect it from someone as quiet and sweet as she is. And I love her, so much." Josh says. I giggle.

"Who is she? I want to meet this chick!" I get jokingly angry.

"I'm kissing her right now." Josh leans in for a kiss but I stop his lips with him hand.

"My god we're so cheesey." I take my hand down and kiss him. "But I love it." He laughs and kisses me again. We watch until we crash on the couch together.

We get up around eight because I set my alarm. Josh gets ready  really quick, he drives me to my house to ready also, then we head out to the lawyers office. As soon as get get out of the car. My hand is in Josh's. I'm so nervous. I'd rather not talk about it. I just suppress everything, it makes it easier.

"You'll be okay. He's not here, and this is only going to be a meeting thing. Nothing too scary. I promise." Josh says in a calming voice. I nod not saying anything back. We walk in and ask for Jerry. I can tell the representation is judging us. We both have piercings, tattoo's, and I'm practically standing on Josh I'm so close to him. I'm just scared, but I think she thinks it's something else other then nerves making me stand so close to him. She points us down the hall and we follow her directions. Josh knows on the door.

"Enter." He barks at us. I look at Josh wide eyed. We walk in and sit at the two chairs in front of his desk. Josh moves his chair a little closer to mine. "You must be Paisley Paisley McKinney and I assume you are Josh Dun." We both nod. "My nice is a huge fan of your band." I look at Josh and smile.

"Thank you. It's nice to hear people that like our music." He says gitty.

"Anyway. Miss McKinney you told me on the phone a little that happened and your file just gave the basics. Why don't you tell me exactly what happened. I'm just going to take a few notes if that's okay. Feel free to stop at any time." I nod and take a deep breath and explain everything starting from the day I met him. I went into great detail on how I met Josh and how we broke up all they way up to when I got him arrested hopeful for the last time.

"You seem, okay with all of it. I've had people have panic attacks, or cry uncontrollably for an hour when they tell there story."

"I uh. It still hasn't hit quite yet. I try to be brave and act like I'm okay, like it doesn't bother me, but really I just suppress it. Pretend it's all a dream or just never happened. I know it's not healthy, but I do it any way because that's all I know." he nods and takes note of what I just said.

"Now tell me about you're family life. What were your parents like. Any siblings?" He asked. My through closes.

"I don't. Talk, to my parents anymore. They were great parents... but uh. My dad died from cancer when I was four and my mom never... really a perfect mom so I just left the house at 18 and never spoke to her again. Hell, I don't even know where she is or if she's still alive."

"Paisley. You never told me this." Josh says disappointed and sorry.

"Look. I'm sorry. That is the first time I've talked about it in 4 years. I never talk about it to anyone." Josh nods looking down. I start shaking a little. We finish the meeting an hour later and Josh and I go out to eat, not speaking a word about anything we said in the meeting.

I Can't Help Falling In Love With You- Josh Dun LSWhere stories live. Discover now