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 [ Josh ] 

 I wake up bright and early. We had a hotel room last night because we knew we'd arrive early and there's not point in sleeping on a bus when we could have a hotel. I quietly walk to the bathroom and shower. Paisley's coming today. I haven't really worked out how... or when I'm going to propose, or what i'm going to say. All I know is I want to. Seeing Debby again and hearing how she showed up at midnight or something to see Paisley; it just made me realize a few things. One of them being how much I'm hopelessly in love with Paisley. Tyler gets up and showers next. I blow dry my hair and get dressed.

"Dry off all the way!" Tyler yells at me from the shower. I look down at my still damp arms and my wet back.

"Whoops!" I yell back laughing.

"Dang it Josh!" Tyler laughs. I plop down on my bed. Mark comes in to mine and Tyler's room. Mark throws me the ring box and I catch it with my right hand before it hits my face.

"You think anymore about it?" He asked sitting on Tyler's bed.

"Nope. Would stage be to... cliche?" I asked.

"You guys aren't even public. Fans... wouldn't be happy and I'm sorry but that would kill the vibe of a Blurry Face show." He not wrong. We planed for the shows to be a little dark, and creepy like blurry face. We only play one love song and that has a dark imagery to it as well. I nod agreeing with him.

"So, when? Maybe out to dinner?"

"Or maybe you just wait until after tour." Mark suggest. Do I want to? Would that be better? I don't know. I need to think this out more.

[ Paisley ]

I get my paisley patterned luggage. I thought it would be funny if I got paisley patterned luggage... it still is. It's never not funny. I head out to a taxi and I drive all the way to the hotel Josh said they'd be staying at. I text Josh I'm here and wait down in the lobby. I hear the elevator ding and people rush out. Four guys run over to me and pile me in a hug.

"Paisley!" Tyler yells. I laugh at how ridicules this is. They all slowly peel off of me and I stand up and hug Josh. I pull away and kiss him.

"Hi." He smiles kissing me again. Mark, Tyler, and Ben walk away from us back to the elevators. Josh takes my hand and leads me to the elevators. We get up to the 7th floor and head down to their room. When we get in we all congregate on the two beds.

"We can go out to eat, or we can start the drive to the venue and chill there for the day." Mark suggest. I look around at everyone.

"I'm pretty hungry." Josh says rubbing his stomach. "Anyone else?" I raise my hand, so does Tyler. "So food!" We load all our stuff on the bus and I get my own bunk, sadly the bunks are too slam for Josh and I to share. Maybe one night, but not for the full week I'm here. We decide to go to chipotle for lunch. We all get out of the bus and head in. Josh grabs my hand and we're so close together he's almost walking on top of me. We walk in and order our food. Tyler and Ben sit next to each other in front of Josh and I, Mark pulls up a chair and sit's at the end of the table. Mark jumps up to grab our order and brings it back to us. I haven't had much to eat, so I scarf it down. Josh and I are the first ones done. I rest my head on his shoulder and hold my huge, full belly.

"I ate too fast." I giggle, but stop because it hurts. Josh makes a pouty face and kisses my head. I move so I kiss his lips.

"No PDA at the table." Ben jokingly scolds.

"Sorry, Ben." Josh oozes sarcasm. He looks down at me, my head still on his shoulder. He kisses my forehead and rest hi head, on my head, on his shoulder. A few fans walk in and spot Tyler and Josh. I try to wiggle out from under Josh, but I can't. Josh doesn't move. They ask for a picture repeatedly before Tyler or Josh can ever say anything. Josh gets up and Tyler follows. Mark takes the picture for them while Ben and I remain at the table. I awkwardly sip my water.

"Who's that? That's.. uh. Paisley right?" One of the fans asked. Josh nods. "Is she your girlfriend?" She asked Josh. His eyes catch mine. I nod, letting him say what he wants.

"Yeah, she is." He smiles proudly. Both of the girls freak out. They ask Josh something I can't hear. Josh looks at me and shrugs. I don't know what, but what ever it is I guess it's okay. I nod. Josh nods at the girls and both girls come running over to me.

"Can we have a picture with you?" The other girl asked. My eyes get wide. I'm confused. I'm not famous. Debby I understand, Jenna, she's been with Tyler for a while. Me? They latterly just found out about me.

"Sure." I chuckle at their excitement. Ben starts laughing. I stand over by Josh as the girls get in between us. Mark takes the picture and the girls leave to have their own chipotle meal. As everyone else finishes, Josh and I talk and flirt, I guess. Kiss. Hug. And forgetting the girls were still there. They snap pictures of us and post them all over tumblr.

It's office, we're out as a couple. It's feels, weird. The kissing pictures. I mean, it's not like Josh and I go out too much and do too much PDA when we're out. But since we haven't seen each other in a while we missed each other, no fans have more picture of us kissing then pictures of just me by myself. It's also weird that we've been dating so long, but it feels kind of new and exciting now. The clique knows about me. Will I get the same treatment as Jenna? Nah, Jenna's amazing, I'm just... some lucky loser.      

I Can't Help Falling In Love With You- Josh Dun LSWhere stories live. Discover now