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[ Paisley ]

"Here's my number. If any problems with you an Josh come up, call me." Debby reaches in her pocket and hands me a slip of paper with numbers scribbled on it.

"Wait, what?" I yell.

"Oh, I just want to be there for you if anything happens. Jenna's amazing and will still be in touch even after you brake up, but the fans can be ruthless." My eyes get wide. I can't breath. I all my muscles stiffen at once.

"W-what do you mean?" I stutter. My phone rings. I look at the caller id. "It's Josh.." I whisper.

"I shroud go. It was lovely meeting you, Paisley." Debby gives me a weak smile, and walks back off to her tour bus I never noticed was in my drive way. Tears build up in my eyes. I answer the call and bring the phone up to my ear.


"Hey. Sorry, we just got back on the bus. How are you?" I take a few steps back, and close the door. I lock it shut. I turn on my heels and walk towards the bed room.

"I'm fine. I'm fine. How did the show go?" I ask sitting on my bed and wrapping myself in the blanket.

"It was sick. The crowd was insane. I'm happy to be on the rode again." Josh sounds so happy. He absolutely loves tour. That's all he's been talking about, and I know he was holding back a little.

"I'm sure, that was a really long brake. I'm happy you're happy. Because I love you, Josh."

"I love you too, Paisley. You okay? You sound a little sad."

"I was just watching this movie on Nexfilx and it's really sad. It just made me think of how lucky I am to have you." I lie. I'm a bad lair, Josh can probably see straight through me. I'm just worried. What was Debby talking about? Josh can't know I met her.

"Yeah. I'm pretty lucky to have you. Anyways, did you do anything with Jenna?" I panic. HE'S ON TO ME!

"No, no. She was busy. We're planing on seeing that movie tomorrow."

"Oh nice. I'm sorry, I just really didn't want to see it."

"No. I totally get it. That's cool. Uh, tell Tyler I say hi." I say. I hear Josh mufflely tell Tyler hi from me. Josh turns back to the phone.

"He says hi." Josh laughs.

"I should get going. I love you."

"Love you. Are you sure, you're okay?" Josh questions with concern in his voice. I nod, even though he can't see me.

"Yeah, just a little shaken up... from that movie."

"Alright. I do love you."

"Yeah. I know. Bye." I whisper. I hang up and toss my phone to the end of my bed. Tears start welling up in my eyes. I'm not a crier. I hate crying. But there's just so much I'm feeling. I bust into tears. I pick up Josh's pillow and throw it at the door. It's makes the bedroom door slam shut, and it echos through the house, only further proving how alone I am right now. I know I'm over thinking this. Debby didn't even say anything too scary! But when your boyfriend leaves for months at a time and his ex girlfriend comes to your house unexpectedly saying: "encase you and your boyfriend brake up again, I'll be there waiting for you in the Ex girlfriend club." It's not the most reassuring thing, exotically because the last time he left for almost three months you fucked it up.

Can I even do this long distance relationship thing? I mean, I know Josh loves me. He stayed with me through the whole Parker thing and fought to get me back and keep me. I'm living in the dudes house. But, there's still an uneasy feeling. No, Josh is the sweetest and most innocent guy I've ever met, he wouldn't cheat or just randomly brake my heart just cause. He's smart... but what if I fuck it up again? What if Debby tries to fuck it up? I'm scared now.

I Can't Help Falling In Love With You- Josh Dun LSNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ