Important Notice!

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Dear Readers,

Hey everyone, it's been a while. I hope you've all been well. I'm not sure if you've all seen on my page but I have become pretty busy lately moving into my dorm and adjusting for college life. I have wanted to continue writing, but right now it's not one of my priorities since it is just a side hobby. However, if I do find time, I will continue posting. 

As a current life update, I've been doing well for the past week since I've moved. It was kind of embarrassing too though. On the first day, after my parents left, I tried my best not to call anyone since I was so sad and knew that I'd cry...But then my cousin called me and I started bawling my eyes out. Since I didn't want to cry in front of my roommate (whom I had just met that day), I went outside and had a full on 40 minute mental breakdown at the back of my building. Hopefully no one remembers me from that day, but if they do...I wasn't that person. 

On another note, I finally finished a FIVE DAY LONG Orientation that my school tortured us through. T-T . I averaged 14,000 steps a day for the past week. Do you KNOW how much of a jump that is from my previous 1,000 step average of the WHOLE YEAR!? Luckily I finally get a break today, but unfortunately tomorrow is the first day of instruction [sadly on my birthday :')]. I guess the only good thing really is that I'm going back home to visit on the weekend. 

Now that it's come to this point, I don't really know how to end this. I guess we can call this my indefinite hiatus..? Like I said, if I ever find the time to update, I will but if not then I will see you guys in a while. I'm gonna miss reading your comments. Well, technically there will still be comments--but STILL! 

Alright. Alright. I'll stop now.

Until the next update,


P.S. I am taking a fictional writing course so hopefully it helps my skills in writing. And depending, you might get a different story from me? 

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