[ 3.19 ] - Intermediate: Unusually moody

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***Important Note at the end!!!

Intermediate: Unusually moody

[ 3.19 ]

R Y E N N E  A T S T E L L I

Year 12

Currently, I stood in the Rosenphael kitchen, stirring my custard when the door suddenly opened, revealing an unusually moody Xael.

Quietly, he moved towards a stool situated on the opposite side of me and lied his head down on the counter.

"What's wrong?" I asked. He only let out a long sigh, his annoyed expression quickly turning blank as he watched me stirring the pot.

"I needed a place to myself." He mumbled, though I was barely able to make out his words.

"A place to yourself? Then why are you in the kitchen with me?" I raised a playful eyebrow and he only glanced up at me, before returning his sight to the pot.

"It was the only place I could think of."

"Ah..." Was all I could say as I turned my attention back to the small pot in front of me.

Pulling the spatula up from the pot, I ran my pinky through the custard glazing the tool before deciding that it was done. I quickly placed it into an ice bath to cool before turning my attention back to Xael.

"Did something happen?" I asked.

Pulling a stool over, I situated myself across from him as I supported my head with a propped up arm and watched him with anticipation.

I was curious. What in the world could possibly make the stone faced Xael so annoyed?

Xael glanced at my beaming face and let out a tired sigh as he sat up and stared at me with dark eyes, running a hand through his hair that was millimeters from covering his line of sight.

"Ha...I just don't understand how people find interest in following someone's every move."

"Oh?" I raised an eyebrow as I leaned in. "You have admirers then?"

A grin then made its way to my lips as I narrowed my eyes in a teasing manner. "Tell me, what'd you do to make them fall for you?"

Xael sent a glare my way, causing me to laugh.

"And why would I want that trouble for?" He grumbled moodily. I only shrugged as I finally sat up and stretched my arms.

"That's true. The only person who'd benefit from something like that is Litheon or me, though I'd rather not socialize with anyone." I spoke truthfully as I stood from my seat while Xael watched me with a funny expression.

I paid no attention and walked over to the large refrigerator, pulling out a tray of mini tarts before bringing them over to Xael.

With a smile, I placed it in front of him.

"Since you're here, do you want to try one? But since it's a test, don't blame me if you get sick." I told him honestly. Xael didn't bother commenting as he rolled his eyes and took a lime flavored tart before plopping it into his mouth.

12 May x029

Author's note:
The chapter is very late, I'll admit, though I'm not going to beat myself up over it.
But, um, have I ever mentioned how much I hate school? No?
Well, let me just say, taking 4 AP classes is not easy. Yesterday, right after coming out of classes, I spent 8 hours on homework, though I guess I can say it was worth it. I have no homework today so I was finally able to work on the chapter and get some rest.

Alright, now I want you all to read this because it is very important!
I've decided not to update weekly anymore (honestly I've been slipping lately for the past few week too) but that's besides the point. This doesn't mean that I'm not going to update at all. I will continue updating this book, though it won't be as consistent as it used to be.
Honestly, with school making me like this, imagine if I get a job on top of that. Aaaah there'd be almost no time to write.

Well, anyways this was all I wanted to say. This may also be a hiatus I go on, so like always, no promises.

But of course, if you leave a comment, there's a high chance that I'll read or reply back! Don't be shy (*'︶'*)╯♡

What do you think of this chapter? Personally, I kinda really like it. Xael became a moody teenager ('*)


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