9. changes

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Ricky's pov

Tuesday. We have two weeks left to do this stupid project for Mr. Mazzara, and my partner is...gone? I don't even know anymore. Nina hasn't shown up or talked to me since Saturday morning when she left. Like...did something happen? Is she okay? Wait...why do I care? I...I don't.

I'm walking down the hallway to my next class when I get pulled into an empty room. I see Gina standing there and I roll my eyes.

"Why'd you pull me in here?", I ask, annoyed.

"Proof yet? We both know I'm not dropping this.", Gina explains, sternly.

I scoff, "Gina! Look around you! Have you seen that girl at school yet?! I can't get proof if the girl isn't even here!"

She rolls her eyes at me, "Thought it'd be easier considering ya'll hung out every day?"

"I've told you this...we never hung out willingly. It was always for the project. And she isn't even answering my messages so...can we drop this and go back to being normal friends?"

"No. I wanna know that there's nothing going on between ya'll and that you actually hate her. Because Ricky...if we're being honest, we can't be friends if you're gonna go date a moron like her.", Gina confesses.

What? Is she being serious right now? She's really gonna drop me if I dated Nina?! Not that...not that I'm thinking about it. I- I hate her, okay?

"Gina...do you hear yourself?", I ask.

"Loud and clear, Ricky.", she replies back with a straight face.

I let out a sigh, "Fine then...I'll get your proof, but you have to give me time. If she's not at school, I can't get any. Got it?"

She stays silent before answering, "Fine."

I say nothing else and walk out of the empty room. Thoughts are circling my head as I walk down the hallway.

How am I supposed to prove I...hate her?



Ricky's pov

Nina was at school today. Finally. She seemed off again though...she wasn't as talkative as she normally was, and she definitely looked paler. I was walking down the hallway when I passed by her locker. Gina was standing just down the hallway so I thought...this could be the chance to prove it? I walk past Nina and purposefully bump into her, causing for her to drop her books.

"Watch where you're going milk girl.", I scoff.

She turns her head up to look at me and she flashes me a confused look. I only glare at her. I hope Gina saw that. As I continue walking, I walk past Gina, and she tugs on my hoodie. I look at her and she begins talking.

"What was that about?", she asks.

I widen my eyes at her, "You're joking right?"

She shrugs, "No...what was it about? I thought you and that girl were a couple? Couples aren't mean to each other."

I let out a sigh and roll my eyes, "Seriously Gi?! Was that enough proof I hate that weirdo?"

"Nope.", she sarcastically smiles, walking away.

"Great...", I mutter to myself as I make my way towards my class.

{Later that day}

Nina's pov

I put some concealer on my under-eye bags before I get out of my car and walk up the steps to Ricky's door. I haven't slept in like...three days. But...it's nothing. I put my hand into a fist and knock on the tall black door. A couple seconds later, the same tall, brunette-haired woman opens the door.

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