21. six

680 16 54

-sorta a lil filler chapter im sorryyyy 

{Thursday night}

Nina's pov


I sit at my desk as my pencil has a mind of its own, writing down new lyrics. After what happened earlier with Ricky...I kinda changed my song. And by changed my song, I mean I wrote a whole new one. I think Ricky told my friends what happened because I've been getting non-stop text messages and calls from them all. But, I eventually decided to turn the phone off since I didn't feel like talking with anybody right now.

As soon as I know it, I had finished editing my entire song. It was good to go. I just need to run through it real quick. I get up and sit at my keyboard, placing my hands over the black and white keys as I begin to play the melody.

"You got me messed up in the head boy...", I begin singing, "Never doubted myself so much..."

I close my eyes as my fingers glide across the keys and I sing.

"Cause it's always one step forward...and three steps back...", I take a breath, "I'm the love of your life...until I make you mad."

I stop playing and open my eyes, smiling to myself. It sounds great, and it's not too obvious it's about Ricky...because it's sorta on the more relationship and love side. And he won't suspect it's about him since we aren't in love or whatever. Perfect.

I shut my new songwriting notebook and place it back in my backpack before hopping onto my bed. I sit there, staring at the ceiling for a couple minutes before I finally doze off to sleep.

Ricky's pov

I'm sitting downstairs on the couch with my mom. It's 1 am and my dad hasn't arrived home yet. We were both beginning to get worried since he hasn't answered any messages either.

"Mom where is he?!", I exclaim.

She sighs, "I don't know honey...maybe he got stuck in traffic? Or the flight got delayed?"

"Yeah but why won't he answer our mes-"

We both snap our heads towards the door as it opens and reveals the tall man. A smile emerges from my face as I get up and rush over towards him.

"Dad!", I exclaim.

He pulls me into a hug, and I hug him back, relieved. As we let go, I smile at him and watch as he hugs and kisses my mom.

"Sorry...my flight got delayed so I didn't land until 11. Then, the traffic was horrific.", my dad chuckles.

I furrow my brows, "Why didn't you text us?"

He presses his lips together, "Right...there wasn't Wi-Fi on the plane...and then my phone died.

Me and my mom stifle a laugh as we all group hug once more. My family was back together again.

Nina's pov


I pull into the parking lot, parking my car in an empty spot. I take a deep breath as I shut the engine off, grabbing my bag, and getting out of my car. I lock the car before I begin to walk towards the entrance. When I enter, I notice my friends standing at my locker and my nerves kick in.

I awkwardly stand there next to them as I unlock my locker and grab my books.

"Nina...", Carlos finally says.

I turn to face them and force a smile, "Hey there"

"We're sorry about wh-"

"No...no it's okay. It's not really you guys that uh that made me upset.", I say.

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