12. why're u so obsessed with me

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Ricky's pov

I'm roaming the halls of East High during passing period, searching for two people.

Nina and Gina.

I need to figure out, from Gina, what happened last night. And then, I need to drag her along towards wherever Nina is at, so I can prove I hate that girl. Then, everything will be perfectly fine. I'll have my best friend back to normal. Right?

As I pass by my locker, I spot one of them. Gina. I rush over to her and tug on her backpack.

"Gi, come here.", I whisper.

She looks at me puzzled before we walk away into a janitor's closest. I take a couple deep breathes before I begin to talk.

"So, I have two things to say.", I begin, "One, what were you doing at the park with Nina on Saturday. Two, I need you to follow me so I can prove I hate Nina."

"Woah...what? How'd you know I was at the park with that girl? Are you stalking us!", she whisper-yells, smacking my arm.

"Ow! And no...I was skating around and saw ya'll...", I explain.

I left out the part where I...oh I don't know, hid behind the tree, and eavesdropped on their entire conversation? Yeah, that stays in my thoughts only. She'd kill me.

"Sure Ricky. But...I wasn't really doing anything. I'm just...befriending her.", Gina says, acting innocent.

"Gina...we both know you're not befriending her, okay? What's the real reason?", I ask, sternly.

She crosses her arms, "Why's it matter?"

"Gina don't mess with her please.", I beg.

"Why do you care? It's not like you have feelings for her...right?", she smirks.

I angrily sigh, "Gina I don't! I just don't wanna be known as the best friend of a... bully or something. You know...gotta keep my good name at this school."

She rolls her eyes, "Ricky, don't worry about what I'm doing with her."

I watch as she walks out of the closet, and I stand there in the silence.

What. The. Heck.

Nina's pov

I had such a good weekend. I was able to work on the song...a little. But then I erased all the ideas and was back at the start. But on the other hand, I'm really liking Gina! She seems pretty cool, and we're becoming good friends! I think the light at the end of the tunnel is finally showing! I confidently strut down the hallway towards my locker when I bump into somebody.

"Watch it", the voice grumbles.

I look up and lo and behold...Ricky Bowen.

"Oh uh- sorry Ricky. Oh and also are we wor-"

I'm interrupted by him smacking my books to the floor. I slightly jump at the sound of the notebooks hitting the floor. I look up at him with rising anger.

"Ricky! What the heck!", I exclaim, throwing my hands in the air.

"Sorry princess. Nobody's here to pick your books up for you.", he spats.

I widen my eyes at him, "R-Ricky?! What- what's wrong with you!"

"What's wrong with me?! What's wrong with you?"

"Why're you acting like this! You've been pretty nice these past weeks...what happened?", I explain, getting tense.

He gets up close to me, "It's called acting Nina. Now, I've answered your pathetic questions. I have some real questions for you."

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