20. too good to be true

775 13 112

the ending >:)

n e ways enjoy besties :)


Nina's pov

I rub my eyes as they adjust to the bright morning light shining through my blinds. I furrow my brows as I realize my alarm never went off. I take my phone off the side table and my eyes widen once the screen lights up and projects the time.


"Omg...no no no no no.", I mutter, hopping out of my bed.

I quickly grab jeans and a cropped hoodie, throwing them on my body before rushing into my bathroom. I use a face wipe to clean my face, I put mascara on along with lip gloss. I don't even bother brushing my hair, instead I put it in a lose and messy braid. I slide vans on before snatching my keys from my desk and practically running out of my bedroom, down the stairs, and into my car. I speed down the street until I reach the parking lot of East High. I sloppily park and sling my bag on my shoulder as I run up to the entrance.

I slow down my walking pace as I enter the school, trying to catch my breath and look normal?

I grab a late pass from the office before heading to my first period class. It was about to be over in ten minutes though. Once I walk through the door, everybody's eyes land on me. Including a certain curly haired boy's. You know...yesterday when we went to the cemetery, he was super sweet. I think I might be starting to trust him...

I set my bag down on the floor and take my seat next to Ricky. I awkwardly sit there and just fidget with my necklace. I continuously glance at the clock, anxiously waiting for class to be done.

"Hey...", he whispers.

I look over and give him a small smile, "Hi"

"Everything good?", he asks.

I nod with a slight chuckle, "Yeah...my alarm didn't go off I guess"

He chuckles too, "It happens to the best"

I shake my head at him smiling, "So...ready to present your project tomorrow?"

He just awkwardly chuckles, causing for me to do the same.

Okay, I've gotta come to terms with myself at some point here...so here goes nothing. His smile...it's...cute? I mean- yes...ever since I laid eyes on him, even though we hated each other, I always thought he was cute. But, I'm not ready for a relationship right now. Especially not with him. I'm protecting my heart, okay?

"Yeah no...I'll come up with something tonight", he says, "How about you?"

I sigh, "I think I'm ready..."

"Did you stick with a song?", he asks me.

I nod, "Yup! I'm actually pretty proud of it..."

He smiles at me, "I'm sure it's great. I can't wait to hear it."

Just then, the bell rings and everybody jumps up. Ricky and I walk out into the hallway together before departing our own separate ways to go to our next class.

Ricky's pov

I'm in trigonometry. I sat with my elbow on the desk, my hand propping up my head. This class was the most boring and difficult. So, I was kinda getting lost in my own world about Nina. My mind kept going back to last night at the cemetery. My body had a mind of its own and hugged her...and she didn't do what I thought she'd do. Instead, she sat there in my arms while she cried.

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