45. First Official War

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With bubbling chuckle of cuckoos, Krishna opened his eyes, welcoming a new day.
Surrounding seemed to bloom all of a sudden, happy to please their lord, sky had now turned light blue but sunrise still had an hour left.

Surrounding seemed to bloom all of a sudden, happy to please their lord, sky had now turned light blue but sunrise still had an hour left

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Turning his head, he saw Karn asleep near his feets, probably dozed off and too sleepy to know.
A soft pleasant smile appeared on his lips, knowing that no matter what hurdles show up, his Bharat will defeat them all.

Krishna glanced up at the sky, next moment, a glowing Vaishnav astra appeared and then entered inside Karn's body.

Krishna glanced up at the sky, next moment, a glowing Vaishnav astra appeared and then entered inside Karn's body

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Karn pressed his eyes shut before opening them to take in the light from surroundings.

Krishna :- Good morning, bhrata Karn.

Karn glanced at him before realising about his state, he still was sitting on ground and had slept near Krishna's feet.

Slowly stood up yawning, but today he felt different, he took a slow deep breath, making sure it was real.

Krishna looked at him amused.

Karn :- Strange.... I.... I feel powerful, I can feel the energy flowing through my veins.

Krishna :- It happens, when you are blessed with something without even asking, as you are already worthy of it.

Karn :- Only you can understand your words Madhav.

Krishna :- That's why only I have been chosen to be your charioteer.

Karn :- (stretching) I should go and get ready, not much time left for sunrise and today we have to discuss war strategy with Maharaj Vaadkshemi.

Krishna :- If you want, you can go, I wish to stay here for some more time (taking out his flute) might as well enjoy the nature.

Saying so, he began playing his flute, creating the tune of eternal peace.
Karn smiled and went away, leaving the flowers dancing on the tune of music.
Draupadi woke up lazily, scratching her head, she looked outside the window, sun was already above the horizon.

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