57. Curse ?

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'I would've gladly accept what Prabhu thought would be best for me, but you had to interrupt everything. So go, I curse you both to turn into wolves and spend your life mourning for your deed'

As the cursed words left his mouth, Bramhan realised that time has stopped, everything has frozen on its position.
The young couple, whose faces showed pure horror, dry leaves hanging still in mid air and the only thing which could move was his own body.


A voice entered his eardrums and he looked around, searching for its source.

Bramhan :- P.... Prabhu ?

'It's surprising, everyone knows me but no-one recognises me. I live among all of you, I see you everyday, yet you think you can reach me only by means of strong penance. But the truth is, all you need is to realise, that this entire universe, all the beings, living or non living are a part of me. I am not only your ultimate destination but also your origin'

Bramhan joined his hands, falling on his trembling knees feeling his eyes moisten with delight.

Bramhan :- I... I'm so fortunate that you decided to bless me with your presence. But.... I can't see you... Prabhu...

'Did you pass my test ?'

His head dropped low, as he considered his response.

Bramhan :- No Prabhu... I... thought I could... but unfortunately due to...

'How did you know whether you passed my test or not ? Did you knew what test I was gonna take ? or are there any fixed rules as to what test should I prefer ?'

Bramhan :- I... don't understand Prabhu...

'When you never knew what my test was, when you never knew how your presence of mind would be tested, when you never knew what's in my mind then how did you decide that you didn't pass my test'

Sinking deep in the pool of thoughts, trying to search for an appropriate answer, Bramhan scratched his head.

Bramhan :- Was.... those wolves trying to scare me was not your test ?

'When did I say that ? It was your mere assumption, which fueled your anger and escalated your senses to act in the way you did'

Bramhan :- So, what really was the test for me, Prabhu ?

'Now that is the right question. I am happy seeing your devotion for me, but, there's a little lack of sincerity in it. Instead of wanting me to recognise you as my true devotee, you were confident that I will acknowledge you as the same. That developed a sense of arrogance, and when you saw things not going as you hoped, your patience gave up. At the height of your emotions, you cursed someone for a presumed misdemeanor which you yourself wern't knowing about'

As if an extremely heavy weight was dropped on his shoulders, Bramhan stumbled behind and fell back.

Bramhan :- I... I failed you, Prabhu, I couldn't keep my arrogance in check, how could I be so ignorant ? But... is breaking a sage's penance justified ? How can they do this and still think of themselves as innocent ?

'Again, when did I say that they are innocent ? But the curse you bestowed upon them, is that justice, is that what a knowledgeable man like you would do, keeping in mind, the circumstances of the event ?'

Bramhan :- No Prabhu, I understand, there are consequences of every action, so we should always think before deciding to act. I am ashamed for dissapointing you with my selfishness.

'It's still not so late that you can't correct your mistake'

Bramhan :- I will do it, I will undo my mistake.

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