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August 10th, 2017

Takemichi was happy that he had saved Draken from dying, sure Illumi getting caught in the crossfire was terrifying and his heart was in his throat but Illumi survived as well. Maybe the future is all well now, maybe all his new and old friends are happy and living a life full to the max of doing things that make them happy.

When he returned to the future after giving Hina the shamrock necklace he wasn't too sure what he would awaken to. His job at the DVD store was definitely not it. It was like everything was one big dream. The scar on his hand from fighting Kiyomasa the night Illumi was stabbed was his only piece of proof that these events he remembers were real.

He ran from the DVD store shouting that he was taking the day off much to the ire of his manager but he couldn't care. As he was messing with his phone frustrated about not having Naoto's number.

"Hm? A schedule salon? What's this?"

Unknowing what exactly he had scheduled, Takemichi made his way towards the beauty salon. "Here?" He panted.

As he stood outside a man was exiting the building, "see you." he said in an uninterested voice.

"See you tomorrow!" A more excited voice called back.

"Make sure to lock up when you're done cleaning, Sendou."

"Yes sir!"

Takemichi's eyes widened in disbelief as tears started to gather in the waterline. "Akkun!"

"Yo." The redhead greeted back. "What's your problem Takemichi? Don't yell like that. Come in already."

Once inside Akkun took the hoover and continued to clean up the store. "Just sit tight 'till I'm finished cleaning."

"O-...okay." Takemichi took a seat. "...Akkun...did you... become a hairstylist?"

"Huh? I'm still in training! I told you I was just an assistant." Akkun said as he wiped down a counter. "My boss has me stuck doing menial labour every single day! I called you here today...because next month I'll finally be allowed to cut people's hair and I wanted a haircut model. So you'll be my first customer! You know, like we promised?" Akkun turned around and gave a wide smile. "I called Illumi too, but now thinking back to how his hair looked, maybe that's a bit ambitious."

"Illumi?" Takemichi said.

"Yeah, he's supposed to be back in town in a few weeks, remember? What you didn't forget did you?"

"Hell no! Like I'd forget!"

"Huh, you crying?" Akkun said not all that surprised.

"Dumbass! I'm not crying."

"Always the cry baby, huh? Takemichi."

Takemichi was overcome with such strong emotions, the fact that he actually succeeded was more than anything he ever wished for. Tears poured from his eyes as he bent over his knees.

Too absorbed in his thoughts, Takemichi never heard his phone ringing. "Takemichi, your phone's ringing," Akkun informed him.

"I don't know this number," Takemichi mumbled to himself. "Hello?"

"Looks like you succeeded."

"Huh, who's this?"

"And just got back from the future."

"Naoto?!" Takemichi yelled.

"That's incredible!" Naoto said from inside his car. "You really did it! Everything has changed! Takemichi," Naoto smiled at the other side of his phone. "Let's go see my sister!"


Spluttering out an excuse and running out of the salon, Takemichi waited for Naoto to come pick him up. Once he was seated in the younger boy's car and they chatted for many minutes. His phone rang again. This time it was under a number called 'Pin' Takemichi didn't know who this 'Pin' was but decided it was better to answer the call anyway.


"Well if it ain't little Michi," The smooth deep voice came over the phone.

Takemichi in disbelief drew the phone from his ear to check the name once again before pulling it back. "Illumi?!"

"Indeed," the word was said with teasing and fondness that made Takemichi's heart swell. "Listen, I'm around right now, wanna meet up? I might now be around for a good few months after this trip."

"Uh, I'm actually with Naoto going to see Hina," Takemichi side-eyed a very interested-looking Naoto. "You can come with?"

"That's perfect!" Illumi intoned over the phone. "I haven't seen Hina in years."

"Great, we'll pick you up outside Sako's Bar." Takemichi finalised as Naoto made the turn for that direction a bit too eagerly. "But hey, I thought you weren't going to be back for another few weeks, that's what Akkun told me today."

"Oh...yeah, I to keep people on their toes, y'know? If people don't know my exact movements they can't track me!"

"A-...are you being followed?!"

"No more than usual, haha!"

"That doesn't exactly reassure me..." Takemichi sweatdropped.

"It's fine Michi, nothing you need to worry about. Now, I'm gonna go, see you soon."

"Yeah see you soon, Illumi."

After a few more turns and stop lights, Naoto pulled into a parking spot right outside Sako's bar. Takemichi sent off a text to Illumi making it known that they were waiting for him. A minute or two passed when the door of the bar opened and out stepped a long lithe figure dressed in a dark three-piece suit with latex gloves adorning his hands. Bottomless eyes surveyed the area with practiced and precise movements before spotting Takemichi and moving towards the car he was in. Illumi looked like his sixteen-year-old self only far more polished. He had his effortless grace and captivating aura. His hair, just as long as before, was sleek and like a waterfall of ink with the exception of a pure white streak that ran through the very front of his framing facepieces. His hair moved aside to reveal a surprising set of gauges embedded in Illumi's ears, they were solid black and not too big, no more than 8mm. It was...odd but Illumi made it look good. The biggest change must be the spiraling of colourful ink Takemichi could see starting on the backs of his hands and disappearing under his sleeves. He couldn't make out what they were but knew they held the blooming bright pigments of blue, purple, and pink.

Wide strides carried a friend to Takemichi who he hadn't seen before so grown up. Pearly whites became displayed as Takemichi stepped out of the car to greet Illumi. Illumi's smile stretched wide and genuine as he displayed dimples and joy at seeing a treasured friend.

It had been so long since Illumi met someone not connected to a gang, to see a friend without the fear that some criminal organisation was on their way to attempt at nabbing him and transporting him back to their headquarters.

Illumi loves to meet up with the members of Mizo Middle but he has to do it sporadically with no forewarning because he's afraid that they may be...intimidated into selling out Illumi.

"Michi!" The taller man yelled as he engulfed his friend in a hug. "It's been so long~"

"Y-yeah, it has."

"C'mon, let's not keep Naoto waiting, tell me everything though once we're in the car, yeah?"

"Of course, only if you do the same!"


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