Sunday Best

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For a person who claims to not be involved in the Tokyo Manji Gang's business Illumi spends an awful lot of time being surrounded by said business. He had politely, underlined politely, been asked to come to Mitsuya's school. Takemichi was also asked however neither were told why. They stood outside as the rest of the students were heading home as their end of day came to be.

"So this is Mitsuya's school." Takemichi said while taking in the grounds. "He called us here for something but he sure is taking his sweet time."

"I doubt Mitsuya is the kind of person to disrespect someone's time," Illumi assured. "he's probably caught up with something, be patient."

"Hey Takemicchi!" A loud familiar voice called out.

"That voice…" Takemichi sweated as he glanced at Illumi who's face started to scowl.

They turned around together, "Peh-yan?!" Takemichi gasped.

Peh-yan looked like a really fucking ugly mob boss with the gaudy patterned shirt under his gakurn. The Toman member's smug look quickly dissipated and his pallor paled as he looked at a very obviously not
happy Illumi.

"Yato-san!" Peh-yan bowed quickly. "I didn't know you would be here today but seeing as we are face to face I would just like to show my deepest apologies for my cowardly behaviour from many weeks ago, I heard you recovered well and I'm thankful for that!"

Illumi stayed frigid in attitude and only looked down at the boy bowing to him. He turned his head to the side dismissively and with monotone words showed he did not care for the apology, "We were asked by Mitsuya to come here."

Peh-yan deflated, he knew there was a very low possibility that he'd be forgiven. Illumi Yato had unrelenting pride and for someone like Peh-yan to damage that pride leading to hospitalisation, even if it was at the expense of saving a friend, he knows he too would never forgive them.

"You go to the same school at Mitsuya?" Takemichi said trying to break the tense atmosphere as Peh-yan lifted from his bow.

"Yeah," Peh-yan said, turning to lead the boys into the school. "C'mon, Mitsuya's got his hands full right now so I came to get you two instead."

The three walked in through the entrance garnering wandering eyes but no one stopped them. Peh-yan took them down a number of halls, Takemichi making conversation with the boy while Illumi tuned them out not wanting to be a part of anything Peh-yan was. Eventually they came to a Home Ec room.

"Here it is!" Peh-yan said proudly.

"The Home Ec room?" Takemichiutter baffled as to why they'd be there.

"I just can't stand that girl." Peh-yan huffed partly wary.

"Huh? What girl?" Takemichi asked.

The door shot open at lightning speed rattling in its frame. "Hold it, Hayashi!" A demanding voice stopped them in their unmoving place.

It was a girl, and an angry one at that. Her dark hair was turned into two braids and her fringe rested just above her eyes but did nothing to conceal the furrow of anger in her eyebrows that made itself present as she looked at Peh-yan. Illumi felt like this could take a minute or two so he leaned against the side wall out of view.

"Are you here to cheat the club leader out of his time again?!" She bellowed not taking shit from anyone. "He's busy now, so leave."

"NO!" Peh-yan sweated. "I was just…

"What's with that dumb shirt anyways?!" She continued mercilessly. Illumi snorted at that. "Don't you know your stupid outfits always make the teacher suspicious of you?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2023 ⏰

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