Chapter 40:

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Carlos POV:

The guys had one more week in my hometown. I was happy about it because they get to stay for my sister's birthday. I've worked with Salvador to help out with his businesses from time to time but a few days after that interview with Tanner, I came home. Also, Salvador looked a lot better than before. Spent some time with guys. Valentina updated me everytime on her birthday planning. I got off the phone with her a while ago. She told me she invited Tanner and if I was okay with it. I told her it was fine because it was her birthday. She can do whatever she wants.

It's been weeks, haven't seen Tanner. I don't miss her. But do I think about her ? Yup, on most nights. Only because she hasn't released the story yet and I get worried everyday that she might. On top of that, I kinda feel bad about how we ended things. Was I too harsh ? When I said what happened to us meant nothing to me. Yeah I realized as soon as I said it to her. I don't know why I'm still querying it.

"Yo, my man, what are you doing out here?" Nate came out to the balcony. "Everyone's inside.

"Nothing, just enjoying the breeze." I said tapping my fingers on the arms of the chair, grinning at him.

He sat down besides him and we both just enjoyed the silence. For a while anyways.

" Carlos Hogan enjoying the breeze? That doesn't sound like you." He took a deep breath. "What's up with you man? Are you okay ?" He asked in a serious tone.

I said softly "What do you mean ? There's nothing wrong. You know, jus family stuff to deal with. I kinda miss my mom as well and I have a life back in NY that's waiting for me but I can't go back yet because ....... well, my father and sister here." I said.

He nodded. "I feel you dude. You gotta hang in there, you'll be okay."

"I know," I smiled, taking a glance at him.

"What about that woman ? Is she also a part of what you have going on in that head of yours ?" He asked laughing.

I shrugged my shoulders. "No, no. Fhallon Tanner and I are just ..." I paused. "You know what? I actually don't know what we are .... anymore." I said, gazed to the sky wistfully.

He chuckled, scratching his chin. "I was actually asking about Holly ... but good to find out where you head is at." He winked

"No fucking way. You asshole. You played your lawyer tricks on me." I said laughing.

He stood up and stretched his arms smirking. "Yeah too bad I'm not a lawyer. Just someone with a Degree in Law studies -and he's not even using it."

"I know. You got an Empire to run first. But maybe someday." I said looking up at him and he was just smiling.

"Look, I don't know what's going on with you and that chick but you're definitely thinking about her. Maybe ... talk to her ? What's the worst that could happen?" he asked.

"Me. I'm the worst." I said so deadly. "Anyways, it's just an attraction. It'll go away soon.

"Will it ?" He asked. "And if soon, WHEN .... is soon? " he asked sympathetically.

I paused looking at him and weirdly, I found myself trying to find the answers to those questions which shouldn't matter. I feel like I may have been the one to say what happened was nothing but I'm sure the feeling was mutual. I was just the one to voice what we were both thinking.

"I think you're starting to ... you know ... like her. She got to you man," he said laughing. "I knew something was up with you two that night at the club ... the way you were looking at her." He said in a teasing way.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I denied. "Like I said, it's just an attraction. She's an attractive woman."

"Well you better talk to her because the only way that feeling is going to go away is staying close to her." He tapped me on the shoulder and he left to go back inside. "Come inside dude." He called out from the door.

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