Chapter 63

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** Author's note: As you can tell from previous chapters, I've been focusing writing from Fhallon's point of view and it will go on like that for a while. Hope you enjoy this chapter. Thank you.

The sudden buzzing and ringing of my phone woke me , and I fell off instantly from the sofa onto the floor. "Shit .... Shiiiiitttt," I said realizing it's the day, my mom and dad were coming over. I ran and picked up my phone from the counter. "Hello, mom, mom. I'm here. What time are you getting here so I can pick you up?," I asked trying to control my breath.

"Pick us up? Sweetheart, we are outside the door of your apartment. We've been knocking but maybe you didn't hear us," Mom said happily.

"Wait what time is it?," I asked myself checking the time on the phone: 10:27am. Shiiiiii! Screaming in my head.

"Open the door," mom said.

"Okay I'm coming," I said, hanging up the phone and flashed to the room, got my robe on and then zoomed to where Carlos was, still sleeping.

"Hey, hey," I shook him. "You gotta get up," I said my voice shaking and picking up clothes, throwing him his clothes.

"Good morning to you too," he said, stretching his arms.

"My parents are here," I said.

"What do you mean?" he sat up, yawning.

"Here, as in outside my door Carlos," I said.

"You didn't tell me you were expecting your parents today, I would've left last night," he said, as he quickly put on his clothes.

"I did," I snapped.

"When?", he asked.

"When you were sleeping," I shrugged.

He rolled his eyes. "For future reference Fhallon Tanner, a person has to be conscious to be told of something."

I love the sound of my name on his lips.

"So, should I just go out the window?", he pointed to the window.

"And get blamed for the world's sweetheart's death when you fall off ? No, thank you," I said, sounding sarcastic. "Out the door."

"What? No, your parents," he tried to insist.

"It's the only way. We're both grown ups. They'll understand. Come," I said  dragging him to the door. "Ready?"

"I gotta say, this is the sweetest way someone has kicked me out of their apartment," he said with so much sarcasm in his tone.

I opened the door, greeting my mom and dad and they had the cutest smiles when seeing me "Mom, dad hiiiii," I said hugging both of them. Our greetings was cut short because their eyes were now on Carlos.

"Uh Fhallon, who is this young man?" mom asked, pulling away from my embrace. How rude! Dad's smile slowly fades.

"Umm mom, dad, this is my friend Carlos ..... and he was just leaving," I said, pushing him out the door.

"Fhallon stop that. Where are your manners?," mom grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the door and approached Carlos.

"Hello, I'm Bea and this is my husband Doug, we are this rude young lady's parents. Forgive her manners," mom being so sweet to a stranger she doesn't even know. She shook his hand then my father reached out and shook Carlos hand, still not smiling.

"Nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Tanner," Carlos said, a grin on his face, slightly looking at me. "But I was just about to head out and leave you guys to –"

Mom interrupted him, "Nonsense. Stay and have breakfast with us." What? Mommmmm!!!!! "Fhallon will gladly prepare for all of us. Right Fhallon?" mom asking and not even looking at me.

"Umm mom, he has to go now –" I jumped in but it was a fail when mom shushed me.

"Please stay, I insist. We don't usually meet our Fhallon's suitors," mom said looking like she's swooning over Carlos.

"MOM! He's not a su ----" I said with a sudden embarrassment but she cut me off again.

"Oh sorry," she chuckled, " I meant her friends," she said shaking her head. Yeah like that's any better.

"Okay, if you insist then Mrs. Tanner," Carlos said and mom grabbed him by the arm and walked with him inside. "I've seen you somewhere before, your face is so familiar. Are you an actor? A model? "The conversation mom brought up as they walked to the living area, leaving me and dad at the door.

"Daaaaad," I begged my dad with my eyes, and sounding like a helpless child.

He shrugged and closed the door. "Don't look at me sweet pea. You know how your mom is."

Arghhhhhhh what just happened, I wanted to scream out loud.

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