Chapter 58

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Three weeks and a few days have passed. I haven't heard anything from Carlos or Valentina anymore. The only time I think I saw Carlos was during one of his boxing match which he won, no surprise there. Reporters ask follow up questions about Salvador and the article after interviewing him about his big win. Well, another big win! Good on him!!!

Salvador was nowhere to be found. Valentina and Rosa don't call anymore and I can understand. Who would want to call the woman who ruined everything about what we knew so far ? Destroyed our family? Brought the public eye to our privacy. Our acquaintance was short and ——- not so sweet towards the end. This is why I run solo and work alone. I don't need attachments. And I have no doubt I'm on both Salvador and Ricardo's radar. But so far, they haven't made any moves on me that I'm aware of.

I was aimlessly walking around Waldorf's trying to look for a nice dress to wear to Rachel's wedding.

"This is why you asked me to come?" Russell have been complaining all morning.

"Well, no. I actually asked you to come because I wanted to see if you wanted to be —— my plus one for a wedding?" I asked, looking the dresses up and down worn beautifully by mannequins.

"Wait what ? Wedding ? Whose ?" he asked

"A girl from work," I sighed.

"A sigh? Why am I sensing there's something unfortunate about this ?" he asked, a smirk on his face.

"Because there is. She's married to Michael." I said sharply.

"No way?" He said and instantly continued when he saw me rolled my eyes. "Man that's —— wow small world." He said letting out a breath. "Don't you wanna invite one of the girls to go with you?"

I did. But both of them won't be available and got me thinking, who better to attend my ex's wedding with than a male companion? He's probably gonna wonder what happened to Carlos and I but who cares ? Russell's there. He's hot, he's got the looks.

"I wanted to ask you. I prefer - you," I said. I did not want him to know he was my last option.

"What about Hogan?" He asked, combing his hair back with his fingers.

I exhaled and taking a few steps away from him towards the dress that caught my eye. Burgundy Sheath / Column Minimalist Elegant Dress One Shoulder Long Sleeve Floor Length Stretch Fabric with Slit. That's the one! I thought to myself.

"What about him ?" I asked not looking at Russell and somehow he responded never mind and didn't bother to ask me again about that.

"So how are you getting along with the woman Michael is married to ? You work together with her ?" he asked.

I signaled over to the sales lady for the dress after I ran my fingers through it. "Easy. She's nice and I'm over Michael. Like way over," I said that not even realizing how quickly I responded. Time does heal huh? I thought. "And I've found my dress."

He shook his head with a grin. I'm so happy we are able to being just us again.

"Lunch?" I asked proudly. He chuckled shyly.

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