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Lea sat at breakfast, rereading what she had seen in front of her in The Daily Prophet she had politely taken from Daphne. Her eyes scanning over the several mug shot pictures that were displayed on the front page. 

"Ten high security prisoners have broken out of Azkaban. Minister Fudge calms it to be the work of notorious mass murder Sirius Black."

"Mass murdered my ass," Lea mumbled under her breath.

Daphne reached over the table and lowered the paper down. "Am I going to have a chance to read it at some point?"

"Yeah, sorry," Lea handed it back to her. "It's just awful."

"It's a blessing," Pansy spoke through a bite of her cereal. 

"Pansy," Daphne shot her eyes over at her.

"What?" Pansy shrugged. "They were locked up for killing mudblood's and muggles and now they're out to finish their work."

"You really want people to die?" Lea had decided there were only a few lost causes in the Slytherin house, Pansy being the primary one.

"Should have never been born in my opinion," Pansy smirked.

"Hey," Draco took the spot next to Lea as he sat down, causing Pansy to shoot daggers at her. "What's up?"

"You're aunt and uncle escaped from Azkaban last night," Daphne tossed the paper over to him.

"What?" Draco's eyes widened a bit as he look at the front page. 

"You saying you didn't know about this?" Pansy raised a brow. 

"No," Draco mumbled, reading over the article. "How would I know there was going to be a mass breakout, Pansy? It's not like my aunt can send me letter's when she's been locked up since I was a baby."

"They're blaming Sirius Black on it," Daphne said. "Aren't you related to him as well?"

"Yeah, was my mum's cousin," Draco folded up the paper before placing it back on the table. "She told me he was a blood traitor though, so I don't know if there's is any truth in that."

"He was in Gryffindor," Pansy sneered. "Of course he betrayed his own kind."

"How is that now?" Lea pursed her lips. It was far too early in the morning for Pansy to be going on about such things. "He was a wizard who befriended other wizards and fought for people's freedoms."

"Because he befriended those beneath him," Pansy hissed. "Right, Draco?"

Draco gulped as he looked between the two girls staring contest. "Um, no?"

"No?!" Pansy ripped her eyes away from Draco, alerting most of the hall with the horror in her voice. "Draco, have you gone mental?"

"I just..." Draco felt the heat on him now with everyone at the table peering their eyes over at him. He huffed, grabbing an apple before standing up. "I just wanted a nice breakfast." He walked down the aisle and out of the hall.

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