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Lea had been running through the maze of fallen down prophecies with Harry, Hermione, and Neville. 

They took it in turns to turn around and send spells, hexes, and whatever that had inside them at the Death Eaters who were following after them. 

Hermione was in the lead as she spotted a door ahead of them, pushing it open, they all tumbled inside before the door was slammed shut. Hermione sent a quick spell at it, to try and slow the Death Eaters down in the process of following after them.

"We need to hide," Harry pushed himself off the ground first, before helping everyone up. 

A beat skipped in each of their hearts as they noticed one of the doors was being pounded upon with great fury.

"He went this way!" They heard someone yell on the other side.

"Quick," Hermione rushed for a marked door across from them. 

Once they were all safely inside, Hermione slammed the door shut and sent another spell at it.

"That was close," Neville breathed out. "How long do you think we can hold them off for?"

"I don't know, but we have to keep this safe," Harry was keeping the prophesy as close to him as he possibly could. This information did not need to get into the hands of the wrong people. 

Lea looked around the room, noticing that they were in the room they had entered upon earlier. There were all different sizes of clocks surrounding them, ticking at their own pace. And in the center, sat the bell jar with the egg turning into a bird, and back on a loop. It was almost like a trance to watch it go on and on. But Lea couldn't help but feel sad for the bird in this situation, forever never getting to live its true life. Always trapped.

A loud sound admitting from the door made her snap her head back over to see it bend a bit. They were trying to get in, and if they were not careful, they could get taken. 

"We need to hide," Harry told them, looking around he noticed some tables with cloths thrown over them. "Quick, under the tables."


"Mya, what do we do?" Luna looked over at the girl as they hid behind Jupiter. 

Mya looked at her like she was crazy. "Why are you asking me? I'm not a leader in this. Just a simple girl, trying not to die, behind fucking Jupiter."

"You always seem to know what your doing," Luna kept calm. "Harry even looks to you for help. I just thought you might have a plan."

Mya bit her bottom lip. "It might be a stupid and reckless plan."

Luna's eyes lit up. "Those are always the best ones though."

Journey: Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now