Chapter 13

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"Well, follow me then." Dumbledore said as he placed his hand on her shoulder and pulled her forward. She kept turning around to see if George was still watching her as Dumbledore pulled her down the hallway. They turned the corner and Tris was no longer in view. George then picked up his luggage and continued on with Fred and the others to the Gryffindor common room and to the boy's dormitories.

Dumbledore then led Tris to his office. When she stepped in she saw sitting on a perch a beautiful bird with golden feathers. She stepped near the birds perch and just looked at the beautiful creature in amazement. "Fawkes is the name." Dumbledore spoke. "He's beautiful." Tris said. She kept examining the beautiful phoenix until Dumbledore got her attention once again.

"Come, sit." Dumbledore said motioning to a seat that sat next to his desk. She walked over and took a seat and Dumbledore walked off around the corner. When he came back, he had a large brown hat in his hands. "Do you know what this is?" Dumbledore asked. "Is that the sorting hat? Ginny told me a little bit about it on the train earlier." "Indeed it is, Miss Lupin." he said as he set the sorting hat down on his desk.

"Well, before we start, someone wanted to see the hats decision up close." Dumbledore stated. Tris looked confused and didn't know what he meant by that until she saw the door open. She turned around and saw a familiar face walk through the door. "Dad? What are you doing here?" Tris asked as she ran up to her father and gave him a tight hug. "I'm a professor here, remember?" Lupin said as he smiled down at his daughter. "Oh, yeah, right." she said as she stepped back from her father's arms and looked up at him with her hazel eyes.

"Shall we get started then?" Dumbledore suggested. Both Lupin and Tris nodded their heads and walked over to Dumbledore. Trista then took a seat and Dumbledore placed the hat on Trista's head. She felt the hat move on her head and her eyes widened in shock. "Ahh, Miss Lupin. I've been waiting for you." the hat said. When he spoke, Tris jumped not knowing what the hell was happening. She froze in fear. "Not used to magic, ay?" the hat asked. "Well don't worry, you'll get used to it. Or not." he said. Dumbledore then cleared his throat hinting to the Sorting Hat to get on with it. "Right, well, I see bravery, and courage, but also a bit of ambition, and loyalty. But there's only one right choice for you. Better be-"

The hat then chose his choice of house and Trista has now been placed into a house. Dumbledore then thanked the hat and put him back in his rightful place until the next sorting ceremony. "So, George said something a few days ago about years. He said that since I've never done magic before that I should be a first year, but because I'm 16 that I should be a fifth year like them." Tris said. "Well, Professor Dumbledore and all of the other Hogwarts professors have agreed that they are willing to give you extra lessons to help get you to a higher year level. We will start you out at first year level and take it from there." Lupin said as he placed a hand on Trista's shoulder. She nodded at her father and gave him one last hug before walking out of Dumbledore's office.

Trista wasn't sure where to go and just started wondering down the halls. When she turned the corner, she saw a bunch of students in the hallways. As she was walking past students, they began whispering behind her back and staring at her like she was a ghost. She began walking faster to get away from the students and to take some of the eyes off of her. She walked down the halls and found a place where no other students were around. She took a deep breath and looked around trying to calm herself down.

"There you are! How'd it go?" a familiar voice asked her. "It was fine, George." she said looking up at the tall ginger. "Right, well, come on then." George said as he grabbed ahold of her hand and began dragging her down the courtyard. "Where are we going?" she asked. "To Diagon Alley and Olivander's of course. You need a wand don't you?" George asked with that slight smirk on his face once again. She shook her head and continued to get pulled by George.

Soon enough they arrived at Olivander's. When she walked in the shop, she saw an older man on the ladder organizing his shelves. When he turned to see who had walked through his shop's doors, he recognized her. "Merlin's beard, its you." he said quietly to himself. George still had ahold of her hand and they walked to the front desk of the shop. He motioned for her and George to come to the back to try out a few wands.

He handed her the first wand of choice and told her to give it a flick. When she did, the front doors flew open letting in the cold air. Her eyes grew wide because she had just performed magic for the first time. "No, no, definitely not that one." the old man said. George looked down at Tris and gave her a slight laugh. He handed her another wand and told her to give it a swish. When she did, George's hair turned bright purple. She looked at him and started laughing but he didn't know why. Mr. Ollivander motioned his hands up to George's hair letting him know that something has happened to his hair.

George then rushed over to the closest mirror and saw that his long ginger hair has been turned into long violet hair. "Okay, that's not her wand. Turn it back, right now." George said to the older man. He laughed a bit to himself but then turned George's hair back to its normal ginger shade. "Right well, give me just a moment to find another wand." the old man said. He then walked to the back of the shop and found another wand for her to try. When he placed it in her hands her hair started to move like there was a strong wind in front of her face.

George looked at her face to see what was going on, and when he did, he noticed something was different about her. Her eyes. They were glowing a bright blue almost like lightning bolts. The blowing of her hair then stopped and her eyes stopped glowing and returned to their normal hazel color.

"I think we found your wand Miss Lupin." the older man said. She looked to him and then to George and smiled. She felt like she was a little bit more powerful with herself. She felt like she wasn't as weak as she once was now that she has her wand. After getting her wand taken care of, George then took Tris to get the rest of her supplies like her books, her writing utensils, and even her pet. Tris was excited that she could have her very own pet at Hogwarts. Now it was just time to choose...

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