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Ricky's POV

If I told you everything at school died down after the special episode of Ricky Vs Jocks, I would be lying. Everytime I walk down the halls, people are running and scattering away from me, there are whispers and I get stares from everyone and of course, they're all calling me a Demon.

At least I didn't get detention this time when I explained it to the Principle, he let me go when I explained I tried to walk away and I only wanted to protect Seb, but Andrew has been giving me a really hard time, he snickers everytime I pass him and he shoves into me when he walks by, he just doesn't know when to quit.

As I was walking down the halls, I bump into another kid, making him drop his things again. "Hey, watch where you're going," I say, but he just whimpers, grabs his stuff, and runs away. Was I that scary?

"Please don't tell me you're letting that get to you!"

I turn around and see Seb walking up to me. "I just made a kid run away from me, and all I did was bump into him. Am I really that scary?"

"No, at least not to me. They're just scared cause you got in a fight with about 6 jocks and run. If anything, I'm sorry, no one would be scared of you if it weren't for me."

"Hey, no, it's not your fault. It was my decision and if it saved you, I would do it again" I tell him, making him smile. "Thank you, Ricky."

"Anytime, bud," I tell him, patting his shoulder and walking away. I walk to EJ's locker and see him on his phone, he's too in it to notice me and he's smiling, which could only mean one thing. "You texting Gina?" I ask, finally getting him to look up.

"Yeah, her plane should land in 2 days, I just have to go pick her up."

I look around, some people are staring at me, but when I look at them, they quickly turn away. As a girl walks by, I try to wave at her, but she quickly runs away. "You good?" EJ asks, putting his phone away.

"Of course, everyone's always been afraid of me before, nothing's changed" I laugh.

I always try to make it funny or normal that people never wanted to be around me, that they were too scared to even look at me or that they always run away when I take one step. But it actually really hurt, it was honestly embarrassing that the only person outside this group of friends that I'm close to is Miss Jenn, but she's the only person who really cares for me though, so I'm grateful.

"Don't pay attention to them, Bubba."

"That's alot easier said than done" I huff.

"No, it's not, you just don't care, that's what I do with you" EJ laughs. I playfully punch his chest. "But seriously, they're only scared cause they didn't know you could fight like that. If they saw the cool, sweet guy I knew growing up and who I'm currently rooming with, they'd all wanna be your friends" he says playing with my curl. I smile at his and nod, meaning that I won't let it get to me and he slings his arm around me.

We're about to walk to class walk into class, but then we hear a loud boom. "Again, seriously?" I groan, seeing people run away from something that's thankfully not me. EJ helps me up and we see someone down the halls, this one isn't Nightmare, it looks like a woman, and it looks like she has cosmic energy, but she definitely does not look friendly.

Try and zoom in if you can't see the person

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